
【検索用:さまよいすたー  登録タグ:10日P 2016年 CYBER DIVA GUMI VOCALOID チューン 曲さ 葵山わさび 辰野つみき
+ 目次
唄:GUMI(日本語版)/CYBER DIVA(英語版)


  • 歌う英単語シリーズ第一弾。
  • 日本語verでストーリーを把握してから英語verを繰り返し聞くと覚えやすいと思います。(投稿者コメントより)




天気予報は そう告げたけど
礼儀正しくて 小ざっぱり
「Hello there 僕と結婚して」


無数に漂う 星たちから
遠く離れた この惑星を
…と 断った

メッセージ通知 届いたけど
時差なの? からかっているの?
多少の賛辞じゃ 足りないよ?
「君ニ咲ク 花届ケタイ
平行宇宙ニ 取リニ行ク」

ねえ君の そっけない言葉は

直径2km 半球の星
どこかの星雲に 在るんだろう
だから気づいた 自分の感情
だけど、わざと 返信を

近いのに遠い 矛盾してるね
モヤモヤしちゃう あいまいな距離


運賃5ドル 観光列車



Today's forecast was announced as a cloudy
followed by some sun, perfect for drying laundry
Almost as if I was in a cartoon
I bumped into an alien descending
At first he seemed polite looking quite tidy and neat
And he left a relatively good impression
Suddenly, had for me a crazy demand
“Hello there marry me , please become my bride”

I suppose ... This might be a fateful encounter
He greeted me quite rudely with a weird alien dialect
It became sunny, between us was a sometimes awkward atmosphere

From the countless endless drifting stars in the universe
You came on your own, here to this remote little planet
Searching by yourself, I wonder why you are so strange
Male psychology can be such a mystery
Your behavior and words are ... lacking some common sense
So I rejected your proposal by saying that ...
“Generally, something indispensable
is an adequate and splendid period
of acquaintance”

Suddenly, from you I received a notice
After a fairly long interval of time
Was it due to a time lag or just mean prank?
Isn’t a decade just way much too late?
Just a small compliment is insufficient ya know?
So I opened the message from you that said
”I want to deliver blooming flowers to you,
From a parallel universe, I’ll fetch for you”

The super brief words you use are too hard for me
With no translation device... I just can’t comprehend
Seems like poetry composed with a lack of

In a hemisphere of 2 km diameter
In which galaxy might you possibly be located?
The message that you transmitted to me is too hard,
Philosophical to the point we can’t have dialogue
Somehow I came to a slow gradual understanding
Therefore I became conscious of my growing feelings
I think I’m fond of you, in a like-like way
But I’ll deliberately delay my response
just a little more

The moon in the night sky trails along and draws an orbit
There’s a boundary line dividing the two of us
We’re so close yet we’re so far, it feels like a paradox
It’s confusing this sort of vague, ambiguous distance

At the end of the month, during my leisure hours
I’ll change into a modest white dress just so I can go see you
Without making an appointment ahead of time,
Off I go to you

There was a five dollar fare for the sightseeing train
Following behind in the trail of a shooting star
Gaining altitude we soared into the skies
From my window I see an artificial satellite
The only passenger on board is a bride to be
By the way, the whole crew is made up of stuffed animals
All my baggage has been transported there
What a comfortable sightseeing train that I am on

Traveling by stars, stopping by several landmarks
Shopping at the duty free store, glad there’s no tax
After buying lots of great souvenirs
Let us chat away, just the two of us

+ PC用対訳表示
日本語歌詞 英語歌詞 強調された単語

くもりのち洗濯日和 天気予報はそう告げた Today's forecast was announced as a cloudy followed by some sun, perfect for drying laundry (天気)予報:forecast 発表する:announce 洗濯:laundry
まるで漫画みたいに Almost as if I was in a cartoon 漫画、アニメ映画:cartoon
ぶつかったのは…降ってきた宇宙人!? I bumped into an alien descending 下降する、降る:descend 宇宙人:alien ぶつかる、ごつんとあたる:bump
礼儀正しくて 小ざっぱり At first he seemed polite looking quite tidy and neat 礼儀正しい:polite きちんとした:tidy 小奇麗な、清潔な:neat
比較的いい印象の And he left a relatively good impression 比較的に:relatively 印象:impression
君が突然の馬鹿げた要求 Suddenly, had for me a crazy demand 要求:demand
「Hello there 僕と結婚して花嫁になってよ」 “Hello there marry me , please become my bride” 結婚する:marry

運命の出会い…と思ったら I suppose ... This might be a fateful encounter 運命的な:fateful 偶然の出会い:encounter ...と思う:suppose
宇宙なまりで失礼なあいさつ He greeted me quite rudely with a weird alien dialect あいさつする:greet 失礼に、無作法な:rudely 奇妙な、変な:weird なまり:dialect
晴れ時々のきまずい雰囲気だわ It became sunny, between us was a sometimes awkward atmosphere きまずい、ぎこちない:awkward 雰囲気、空気:atmosphere

無数に漂う 星たちから From the countless endless drifting stars in the universe 無数の:countless 漂う、漂流する:drift
遠く離れた この惑星を You came on your own, here to this remote little planet 離れた、遠方の:remote 惑星:planet
きみはひとりで探し出した Searching by yourself, I wonder why you are so strange (くまなく)捜す:search
男の心理は謎だね Male psychology can be such a mystery 男性の:male 心理:psychology 
常識のない君の態度 Your behavior and words are lacking some common sense 態度、ふるまい:behavior 常識:common sense 
↑↓でキミの告白を断った So I rejected your proposal by saying that ... 断る、拒絶する:reject 告白、提案:proposal
普通は素敵で適切な交際期間が必要不可欠なのです “Generally, something indispensable is an adequate and splendid period of acquaintance” 普通は、一般的には:general 必要不可欠な、絶対必要な:indispensable 適切な、十分な:adequate 素敵な:splendid 期間:period 交際、知り合い:acquaintance

突然メッセージ通知 届いた Suddenly, from you I received a notice 通知:notice
あの後、かなり間をおいていたけど After a fairly long interval of time かなり、だいぶ:fairly 間、間隔、合間:interval
時差なの? からかっているの? Was it due to a time lag or just mean prank? 時差、時間の遅れ:time lag 
10年って遅すぎでしょ! Isn’t a decade just way much too late? 10年間:decade
多少の賛辞じゃ 足りないよ? Just a small compliment is insufficient ya know? 賛辞、おせじ:compliment 足りない、不十分な:insufficient
メッセージ開いてみたんだ So I opened the message from you that said
「君ニ咲ク 花届ケタイ “I want to deliver blooming flowers to you, 届ける、配達する:deliver (花が)咲く:bloom 
平行宇宙ニ 取リニ行ク」 From a parallel universe, I’ll fetch for you” 平行な:parallel 宇宙:universe ...を取ってくる:fetch

ねえ君の そっけない言葉は The super brief words you use are too hard for me そっけない、簡潔な:brief 
翻訳機ないと理解不能 With no translation device... I just can’t comprehend 翻訳する:translate 装置、端末:device 理解する:comprehend
語彙足らずで組み上げた詩のようだわ Seems like poetry composed with a lack of vocabulary ...みたいな、...のように見える:seem 詩:poetry 組みあげる、構成する:compose 足りない、欠乏、不足:lack 語彙:vocabulary

直径2km 半球の星 In a hemisphere of 2 km diameter 半球:hemisphere 直径:diameter
どこかの星雲に 在るんだろう In which galaxy might you possibly be located? 星雲、銀河:galaxy ひょっとしたら:possibly 存在する、位置する:locate
キミが送ったメッセージは The message that you transmitted to me is too hard, 送る、伝える:transmit
哲学のように対話にならない Philosophical to the point we can’t have dialogue 哲学の:philosophy 対話:dialogue
けれどもなぜだか理解できた Somehow I came to a slow gradual understanding なぜか、どういうわけか:somehow  
だから気づいた 自分の感情 Therefore I became conscious of my growing feelings ...だから、それゆえ:therefore 感情、意識:conscious
私キミが好きなんだね I think I’m fond of you, in a like-like way 好きで:fond
だけど、わざと 返信を遅らせよう But I’ll deliberately delay my response just a little more わざと:deliberately 遅らせる、遅延:delay 返信、返事:response

そらの月が描いた軌跡 The moon in the night sky trails along and draws an orbit 描く:draw 軌跡:orbit
二人を隔てる境界線 There’s a boundary line dividing the two of us 境界線:boundary 隔てる、分割する:divide
近いのに遠い 矛盾してるね We’re so close yet we’re so far, it feels like a paradox 矛盾、逆説:paradox
モヤモヤしちゃう あいまいな距離 It’s confusing this sort of vague, ambiguous distance もやもや、戸惑わせる:confuse あいまいな、漠然とした:vague あいなまいな、あやふやな:ambiguous 距離:distance

月末の余暇になったら At the end of the month, during my leisure hours 余暇:leisure
白いひかえめのドレスに着替えて I’ll change into a modest white dress just so I can go see you ひかえめな、謙虚な:modest 
約束なしでキミに会いに行こう! Without making an appointment ahead of time, Off I go to you 約束:appointment

運賃5ドル 観光列車 There was a five dollar fare for the sightseeing train 運賃、料金:fare 観光:sightseeing
流星の跡をたどってく Following behind in the trail of a shooting star 辿る、後についていく:follow 跡、痕跡:trail
高度を上げて急上昇 Gaining altitude we soared into the skies ...を得る:gain 高度:altitude 上昇する、舞い上がる:soar (gaining altitudeで高度を得る→高度を上げる)
窓から見える人工衛星 From my window I see an artificial satellite 人工の:artificial 衛星:satellite
乗客ひとり花嫁さん The only passenger on board is a bride to be 乗客:passenger 花嫁:bride
乗組員はぬいぐるみで By the way, the whole crew is made up of stuffed animals 乗客員:crew ぬいぐるみ:stuffed animal
手荷物はもう輸送済みさ All my baggage has been transported there 手荷物:baggage 輸送する:transport
快適な観光旅行だね What a comfortable sightseeing train that I am on 快適な:comfortable 

いくつか名所経由して Traveling by stars, stopping by several landmarks いくつかの:several 名所、史跡:landmark
免税店でお買いもの Shopping at the duty free store, glad there’s no tax 関税:duty 税金:tax
おみやげたくさん買ったから After buying lots of great souvenirs おみやげ、記念品:souvenir
二人でおしゃべりしよう Let us chat away, just the two of us おしゃべりする、談笑する:chat


  • ケモノのワルツほど単純な対訳表示にできないのでテーブル表記は悩み中 -- 名無しさん (2016-09-18 15:27:21)
  • ↑ありがとうございます!頑張ってください -- かのん (2016-09-18 15:28:29)
  • お疲れ様!! -- 名無しさん (2016-09-18 16:28:55)
  • 対訳表示追加。歌詞と一部違うけど気にしないでいただければ幸いです。あと、今回思いっきり横に長くなってしまったので、見やすいように訂正していただけると嬉しいです。 -- 名無しさん (2016-09-18 23:32:22)
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • GUMI
  • 10日P
  • 辰野つみき
  • 葵山わさび
  • チューン
  • 曲さ
  • 2016年

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