

Linux」(2016/03/25 (金) 15:32:02) の最新版変更点



#contents *commands **Process - ps -aux - kill -9 (process no.) ** util - history - tail -f - tar zxvf file.tar.gz - tar cvzf (output).tar.gz (input) - quota - pushd (your destination dir) / popd - make >Make.log 2>&1 - export LANG=en.UTF-8 - ps -eLF | grep $USER ** Bash - source ~/.bashrc **svn - svn checkout (url) (destination dir) - error: &italic(){svn: Can't convert string from 'UTF-8' to native encoding} export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 - error: gnome-keyring -+ open ~/.subversion/config -+ edit as below and save password-stores = **MPI - mpisubmit (program) (partition nr.) (job name) (arguments) - qstat | grep ... - qmon& - mpirun -np (cpu nr.) (program) - PGI compiler for C codes: mpi_pgcc - PGI compiler for C++ codes: mpi_pgCC **shell - Control + D: kill process - Control + Z: stop process * Log ** Keep loggin history more than one month (/var/log/wtmp) - open /etc/logrotate.conf - increase the rotate count (default is 1) * Trouble ** Error while loading shared libraries message export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ** OS version uname -a cat /etc/issue * Software ** Network - Wicd ** Development - Kate - Meld Diff Viewer - QtCreator - eclipse - Beyond compare *** SVN - RapidSVN - Nautilus Scripts for Subversion The scripts were developed by mariuss' weblog: Now available in the Ubuntu Dapper universe repository: *** eclipse - Ubuntu 9.10 - Button click doesn't work start ecplise as below #highlight(sh){{ #!/bin/sh export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 /opt/eclipse/eclipse }} ** Internet/Communication - Firefox / Opera - Thunderbird - Pidgin Internet Messenger - Skype ** Office - Open Office - Grace - PDF Editor - Texmaker - JabRef - Mendeley Desktop ** Utils - Citrix client - Paraview - Sun VirtualBox - Duplicate VDI 1. cd /home/(user)/.VirtualBox 2. type command: VBoxManage clonevdi (full path to a source vdi file) (full path to a new vdi file) 3. Start VirtualBox and open Virtual Media Manager 4. Add new VDI - Wine - Comix &hatena_b_counter()
#contents *commands **Process - ps -aux - kill -9 (process no.) ** util - history - tail -f - tar zxvf file.tar.gz - tar cvzf (output).tar.gz (input) - quota - pushd (your destination dir) / popd - make >Make.log 2>&1 - export LANG=en.UTF-8 - ps -eLF | grep $USER ** Bash - source ~/.bashrc **svn - svn checkout (url) (destination dir) - error: &italic(){svn: Can't convert string from 'UTF-8' to native encoding} export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 - error: gnome-keyring -+ open ~/.subversion/config -+ edit as below and save password-stores = **MPI - mpisubmit (program) (partition nr.) (job name) (arguments) - qstat | grep ... - qmon& - mpirun -np (cpu nr.) (program) - PGI compiler for C codes: mpi_pgcc - PGI compiler for C++ codes: mpi_pgCC **shell - Control + D: kill process - Control + Z: stop process * Log ** Keep loggin history more than one month (/var/log/wtmp) - open /etc/logrotate.conf - increase the rotate count (default is 1) * Trouble ** Error while loading shared libraries message export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ** OS version uname -a cat /etc/issue * Software ** Network - Wicd ** Development - Kate - Meld Diff Viewer - QtCreator - eclipse - Beyond compare *** SVN - RapidSVN - Nautilus Scripts for Subversion The scripts were developed by mariuss' weblog: Now available in the Ubuntu Dapper universe repository: *** eclipse - Ubuntu 9.10 - Button click doesn't work start ecplise as below #highlight(sh){{ #!/bin/sh export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 /opt/eclipse/eclipse }} ** Internet/Communication - Firefox / Opera - Thunderbird - Pidgin Internet Messenger - Skype ** Office - Open Office - Grace - PDF Editor - Texmaker - JabRef - Mendeley Desktop ** Utils - Citrix client - Paraview - Sun VirtualBox - Duplicate VDI 1. cd /home/(user)/.VirtualBox 2. type command: VBoxManage clonevdi (full path to a source vdi file) (full path to a new vdi file) 3. Start VirtualBox and open Virtual Media Manager 4. Add new VDI - Wine - Comix ** Configuration - /etc/sysctl.conf #highlight(sh){{ vm.swappiness = 0 }} &hatena_b_counter()




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