
R」(2008/10/06 (月) 21:29:59) の最新版変更点



#contents * Conditional simulation ** Example bore <- read.table("borehole.txt", header=T) v <- variogram(log(lambda)~1, ~x+y, bore) m <- vgm(.003, "Exp", 30) plot(v, model=m) sim <- krige(formula=log(lambda)~1, locations=~x+y, model=m, data=bore, newdata=dom, nmax=15, beta=1.16, nsim=4) levelplot(exp(z)~x+y|name, map.to.lev(sim, z=c(3:6)), aspect="iso") levelplot(z~x+y|name, map.to.lev(sim, z=c(3:6)), aspect="iso") ** 3D SGSIM library(gstat) library(lattice) range1d <- seq(from=1, to=100, length=50) grid3d <- expand.grid(x=range1d, y=range1d, z=range1d) coordinates(grid3d) <- ~x+y+z bore3d <- expand.grid(x=c(1,100), y=50, z=range1d) bore3d <- cbind(bore3d, lambda=3.2) coordinates(bore3d) <- ~x+y+z res3D <- krige(formula = log(lambda) ~ 1, bore3d, grid3d, model = vgm(0.03, "Exp", 30), beta=1.16, nmax=15, nsim=1, debug.level=-1) levelplot(exp(sim1) ~ x + y | z, as.data.frame(res3D)) summary(exp(as.data.frame(res3D)$sim1)) * Histogram library(lattice) histogram(meuse$lead, nint=12) hist(mhw$grain, breaks=seq(2.6, 5.2, by=0.1), col="lightblue", border="red", main="Grain yield") h <- hist(mhw$grain, breaks = seq(2.6, 5.2, by = 0.2), plot = F) plot(h, col = heat.colors(length(h$mids))[length(h$count) - rank(h$count) + 1], ylim = c(0, max(h$count) + 5), main = "Frequency histogram, Mercer & Hall grain yield", sub = "Counts shown above bar, actual values shown with rug plot", xlab = "Grain yield, lbs. per plot") text(h$mids, h$count, h$count, pos = 3) hist(mhw$grain, breaks = 20, col = "lightblue", border = "red", freq = F, main = "Grain yield, lbs per plot") rug(mhw$grain) lines(density(mhw$grain)) * Empirical cumulative distribution function plot(ecdf(mhw$grain), pch = 1, xlab = "Mercer & Hall, Grain yield, lbs. per plot", ylab = "Cumulative proportion of plots", main = "Empirical CDF", sub = "Quantiles shown with vertical lines") * Cumulative distribution function x<-rnorm(1000) h<-hist(x) h$counts<-cumsum(h$counts) plot.histogram(h) * Graph ** Line lines(density(mhw$grain)) ** Straight line abline(v = median(grain), col = "blue") ** Title title("Straw yield predicted by grain yield") * Plot plot(mhw$grain, mhw$straw) pts <- identify(mhw$grain, mhw$straw) * Variogram ** 3D #highlight(R){{ library(gstat) demo(gstat3D) # $Id: gstat3D.R,v 1.4 2006-02-10 19:05:02 edzer Exp $ # simple demo of 3D interpolation of 50 points with random normal values, # randomly located in the unit cube n <- 50 data3D <- data.frame(x = runif(n), y = runif(n), z = runif(n), v = rnorm(n)) coordinates(data3D) = ~x+y+z range1D <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 20) grid3D <- expand.grid(x = range1D, y = range1D, z = range1D) gridded(grid3D) = ~x+y+z res3D <- krige(formula = v ~ 1, data3D, grid3D, model = vgm(1, "Exp", .2)) library(lattice) levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y | z, as.data.frame(res3D)) }} ** Show variogram show.vgms() show.vgms(models = "Exp", sill=0.03, range=30, max=100) * Grid xy <- expand.grid(x=1:100, y=1:100) xy <- expand.grid(x=1:100, y=1:100, z=1:100) * Utility commands ** Generate random numbers from uniform distribution runif(12, -1, 1) ** Round numbers to two decimal place round(sample, 2) ** Version of R R.version ** Find out if the method is available in any package help.search("lqs") ** Show current directly getwd() ** Change current directly setwd("E:\tmp\user") ** Show list of files on the current directly list.files() ** remove all variables rm(list = ls()) ** Define as a spatial object coordinates(sim) <- ~x+y ** Min and max values in data range(mhw$grain) which.min(grain) mhw[which.min(grain), "straw"] ** Subset subset(mhw, grain < 3)
#contents * Conditional simulation ** Example bore <- read.table("borehole.txt", header=T) v <- variogram(log(lambda)~1, ~x+y, bore) m <- vgm(.003, "Exp", 30) plot(v, model=m) sim <- krige(formula=log(lambda)~1, locations=~x+y, model=m, data=bore, newdata=dom, nmax=15, beta=1.16, nsim=4) levelplot(exp(z)~x+y|name, map.to.lev(sim, z=c(3:6)), aspect="iso") levelplot(z~x+y|name, map.to.lev(sim, z=c(3:6)), aspect="iso") ** 3D SGSIM library(gstat) library(lattice) range1d <- seq(from=1, to=100, length=50) grid3d <- expand.grid(x=range1d, y=range1d, z=range1d) coordinates(grid3d) <- ~x+y+z bore3d <- expand.grid(x=c(1,100), y=50, z=range1d) bore3d <- cbind(bore3d, lambda=3.2) coordinates(bore3d) <- ~x+y+z res3D <- krige(formula = log(lambda) ~ 1, bore3d, grid3d, model = vgm(0.03, "Exp", 30), beta=1.16, nmax=15, nsim=1, debug.level=-1) levelplot(exp(sim1) ~ x + y | z, as.data.frame(res3D)) summary(exp(as.data.frame(res3D)$sim1)) * Histogram library(lattice) histogram(meuse$lead, nint=12) hist(mhw$grain, breaks=seq(2.6, 5.2, by=0.1), col="lightblue", border="red", main="Grain yield") h <- hist(mhw$grain, breaks = seq(2.6, 5.2, by = 0.2), plot = F) plot(h, col = heat.colors(length(h$mids))[length(h$count) - rank(h$count) + 1], ylim = c(0, max(h$count) + 5), main = "Frequency histogram, Mercer & Hall grain yield", sub = "Counts shown above bar, actual values shown with rug plot", xlab = "Grain yield, lbs. per plot") text(h$mids, h$count, h$count, pos = 3) hist(mhw$grain, breaks = 20, col = "lightblue", border = "red", freq = F, main = "Grain yield, lbs per plot") rug(mhw$grain) lines(density(mhw$grain)) * Empirical cumulative distribution function plot(ecdf(mhw$grain), pch = 1, xlab = "Mercer & Hall, Grain yield, lbs. per plot", ylab = "Cumulative proportion of plots", main = "Empirical CDF", sub = "Quantiles shown with vertical lines") * Cumulative distribution function x<-rnorm(1000) h<-hist(x) h$counts<-cumsum(h$counts) plot.histogram(h) * Graph ** Line lines(density(mhw$grain)) ** Straight line abline(v = median(grain), col = "blue") ** Title title("Straw yield predicted by grain yield") * Plot plot(mhw$grain, mhw$straw) pts <- identify(mhw$grain, mhw$straw) * Variogram ** 3D #highlight(R){{ library(gstat) demo(gstat3D) # $Id: gstat3D.R,v 1.4 2006-02-10 19:05:02 edzer Exp $ # simple demo of 3D interpolation of 50 points with random normal values, # randomly located in the unit cube n <- 50 data3D <- data.frame(x = runif(n), y = runif(n), z = runif(n), v = rnorm(n)) coordinates(data3D) = ~x+y+z range1D <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 20) grid3D <- expand.grid(x = range1D, y = range1D, z = range1D) gridded(grid3D) = ~x+y+z res3D <- krige(formula = v ~ 1, data3D, grid3D, model = vgm(1, "Exp", .2)) library(lattice) levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y | z, as.data.frame(res3D)) }} ** Show variogram show.vgms() show.vgms(models = "Exp", sill=0.03, range=30, max=100) * Grid xy <- expand.grid(x=1:100, y=1:100) xy <- expand.grid(x=1:100, y=1:100, z=1:100) * Utility commands ** Interpolation n <- seq(0.001, 0.2, by=0.001) k <- (234.0*(n)^1.25+2094.0*(10*n)^3.88)*1e-18 f_kn <- approxfun(k, n) ** Generate random numbers from uniform distribution runif(12, -1, 1) ** Round numbers to two decimal place round(sample, 2) ** Version of R R.version ** Find out if the method is available in any package help.search("lqs") ** Show current directly getwd() ** Change current directly setwd("E:\tmp\user") ** Show list of files on the current directly list.files() ** remove all variables rm(list = ls()) ** Define as a spatial object coordinates(sim) <- ~x+y ** Min and max values in data range(mhw$grain) which.min(grain) mhw[which.min(grain), "straw"] ** Subset subset(mhw, grain < 3)




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