「DDMトレード/DDMリスト/11. Blood War」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

DDMトレード/DDMリスト/11. Blood War」(2008/04/08 (火) 18:38:08) の最新版変更点



&big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ リスト ( 番号順 ) }}} |CENTER:セット名 |CENTER:レアリティ|CENTER:No. |CENTER:名前|CENTER:備考| |Blood War |★Rare |01/60|Arcadian Hippogriff |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|02/60|Celestial Giant Stag Beetle |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|03/60|Dwarf Sniper |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |04/60|Elf Dragonkith |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|05/60|Elf Warmage |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|06/60|Half-Orc Spy |LG | |Blood War |●Common |07/60|Hammerer |LG | |Blood War |●Common |08/60|Harmonium Guard |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |09/60|Kolyarut |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |10/60|Solar |LG | |Blood War |●Common |11/60|Soldier of Bytopia |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |12/60|Thundertusk Cavalry |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |13/60|Air Genasi Swashbuckler |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |14/60|Bralani Eladrin |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |15/60|Centaur War Hulk |CG | |Blood War |●Common |16/60|Free League Ranger |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|17/60|Gnome Trickster |CG | |Blood War |●Common |18/60|Hero of Valhalla |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |19/60|Lillend |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|20/60|Medium Copper Dragon |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|21/60|Phoera |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|22/60|Shadowdancer |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |23/60|Storm Silverhand |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |24/60|Valenar Nomad Charger |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|25/60|Dragonmark Heir of Deneith |LG/LE| |Blood War |◆Uncommon|26/60|Maug |LG/LE| |Blood War |◆Uncommon|27/60|Living Flaming Sphere |CG/CE| |Blood War |●Common |28/60|Acheron Goblin |LE | |Blood War |●Common |29/60|Blood of Vol Cultist |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|30/60|Bluespawn Stormlizard |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |31/60|Fire Giant Forgepriest |LE | |Blood War |●Common |32/60|Greenspawn Sneak |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |33/60|Hellcat |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |34/60|Horned Devil |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |35/60|Ice Devil |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|36/60|Karsite Fighter |LE | |Blood War |●Common |37/60|Kobold Monk |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|38/60|Large Water Elemental |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |39/60|Lord of Blades |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|40/60|Mercykiller |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|41/60|Mezzoloth |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |42/60|Pit Fiend |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|43/60|Red Hand War Sorcerer |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|44/60|Soulknife Infiltrator |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |45/60|Chasme |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|46/60|Demonic Gnoll Priestess |CE | |Blood War |●Common |47/60|Doomguard |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|48/60|Earth Element Gargoyle |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|49/60|Ethereal Marauder |CE | |Blood War |●Common |50/60|Fiendish Snake |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |51/60|Githyanki Dragon Knight |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|52/60|Gnoll Barbarian |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|53/60|Green Slaad |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |54/60|Howler |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |55/60|Marilith |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|56/60|Orc Wizard |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |57/60|Owlbear Rager |CE | |Blood War |●Common |58/60|Skeletal Reaper |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |59/60|Succubus |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |60/60|Vlaakith the Lich Queen |CE | |______________________|____________|_____|_______________________________|| &big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ リスト ( レアリティ順 ) }}} |CENTER:セット名 |CENTER:レアリティ|CENTER:No. |CENTER:名前|CENTER:備考| |Blood War |★Rare |01/60|Arcadian Hippogriff |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |04/60|Elf Dragonkith |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |09/60|Kolyarut |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |10/60|Solar |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |12/60|Thundertusk Cavalry |LG | |Blood War |★Rare |13/60|Air Genasi Swashbuckler |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |14/60|Bralani Eladrin |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |15/60|Centaur War Hulk |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |19/60|Lillend |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |23/60|Storm Silverhand |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |24/60|Valenar Nomad Charger |CG | |Blood War |★Rare |31/60|Fire Giant Forgepriest |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |33/60|Hellcat |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |34/60|Horned Devil |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |35/60|Ice Devil |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |39/60|Lord of Blades |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |42/60|Pit Fiend |LE | |Blood War |★Rare |45/60|Chasme |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |51/60|Githyanki Dragon Knight |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |54/60|Howler |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |55/60|Marilith |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |57/60|Owlbear Rager |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |59/60|Succubus |CE | |Blood War |★Rare |60/60|Vlaakith the Lich Queen |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|02/60|Celestial Giant Stag Beetle |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|03/60|Dwarf Sniper |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|05/60|Elf Warmage |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|06/60|Half-Orc Spy |LG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|17/60|Gnome Trickster |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|20/60|Medium Copper Dragon |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|21/60|Phoera |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|22/60|Shadowdancer |CG | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|25/60|Dragonmark Heir of Deneith |LG/LE| |Blood War |◆Uncommon|26/60|Maug |LG/LE| |Blood War |◆Uncommon|27/60|Living Flaming Sphere |CG/CE| |Blood War |◆Uncommon|30/60|Bluespawn Stormlizard |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|36/60|Karsite Fighter |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|38/60|Large Water Elemental |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|40/60|Mercykiller |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|41/60|Mezzoloth |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|43/60|Red Hand War Sorcerer |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|44/60|Soulknife Infiltrator |LE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|46/60|Demonic Gnoll Priestess |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|48/60|Earth Element Gargoyle |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|49/60|Ethereal Marauder |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|52/60|Gnoll Barbarian |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|53/60|Green Slaad |CE | |Blood War |◆Uncommon|56/60|Orc Wizard |CE | |Blood War |●Common |07/60|Hammerer |LG | |Blood War |●Common |08/60|Harmonium Guard |LG | |Blood War |●Common |11/60|Soldier of Bytopia |LG | |Blood War |●Common |16/60|Free League Ranger |CG | |Blood War |●Common |18/60|Hero of Valhalla |CG | |Blood War |●Common |28/60|Acheron Goblin |LE | |Blood War |●Common |29/60|Blood of Vol Cultist |LE | |Blood War |●Common |32/60|Greenspawn Sneak |LE | |Blood War |●Common |37/60|Kobold Monk |LE | |Blood War |●Common |47/60|Doomguard |CE | |Blood War |●Common |50/60|Fiendish Snake |CE | |Blood War |●Common |58/60|Skeletal Reaper |CE | |______________________|____________|_____|_______________________________||

