Hope And Despair

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Hope And Despair」(2023/12/12 (火) 02:34:56) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14669786) 作詞:[[あえりあ]] 作曲:[[あえりあ]] 編曲:[[あえりあ]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』をテーマに作った楽曲。 -ネタに本気を出したらこうなりました。(作者コメントより) -イラスト・動画・エンコードを周平が、ガバキック作成を[[かごめP]]が担当。 -コンピレーションアルバム「"D”project 2nd」に収録。 **歌詞 I'm just a limp of stone put here to 「defeat witche」 If you refuse my aid, only death awaits you. I don't need rewards. I don't need rewards. No one believe in the future. No one can accept the future. There is no way you can save her. What do I even care about anymore? Who do I want to protect? That my life would have no meaning? What do I even care about anymore? Who do I want to protect? That my life would have no meaning? Why must you always sacrifice yourself? Don't threw yourself away thinking you are useless or your life's meaningless! Think about the people who care for you! Why don't realize there are people who'll be sad if you're gone? 「Is that wish worth your soul to you?」 I don't want to give up until we're sure if we can save her or not. Until I can find the only way out. Just protect (the) one thing you really want to protect, until the very end. The way to save you from despair. I don't mind being looked in this eternal maze! Tell me right away. Is this world worth protecting? Tell me right away. Is this world worth protecting? As much as I wished for the happiness of one... Someone else must be equally cursed. But in exchange, resentment and pain took root in my own heart. She took a burden of the curse equal to that wish. She took a burden of the curse equal to that wish. You're always speaking empty words. I'll kill you myself right now. You're always speaking empty words. I'll kill you myself right now. You're always speaking empty words. **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14669786) 作詞:[[あえりあ]] 作曲:[[あえりあ]] 編曲:[[あえりあ]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』をテーマに作った楽曲。 -ネタに本気を出したらこうなりました。(作者コメントより) -イラスト・動画・エンコードを周平が、ガバキック作成を[[かごめP]]が担当。 -コンピレーションアルバム「"D”project 2nd」に収録。 **歌詞 I'm just a limp of stone put here to 「defeat witche」 If you refuse my aid, only death awaits you. I don't need rewards. I don't need rewards. No one believe in the future. No one can accept the future. There is no way you can save her. What do I even care about anymore? Who do I want to protect? That my life would have no meaning? What do I even care about anymore? Who do I want to protect? That my life would have no meaning? Why must you always sacrifice yourself? Don't threw yourself away thinking you are useless or your life's meaningless! Think about the people who care for you! Why don't realize there are people who'll be sad if you're gone? 「Is that wish worth your soul to you?」 I don't want to give up until we're sure if we can save her or not. Until I can find the only way out. Just protect (the) one thing you really want to protect, until the very end. The way to save you from despair. I don't mind being looked in this eternal maze! Tell me right away. Is this world worth protecting? Tell me right away. Is this world worth protecting? As much as I wished for the happiness of one... Someone else must be equally cursed. But in exchange, resentment and pain took root in my own heart. She took a burden of the curse equal to that wish. She took a burden of the curse equal to that wish. You're always speaking empty words. I'll kill you myself right now. You're always speaking empty words. I'll kill you myself right now. You're always speaking empty words. **コメント - 曲は本当にかっこいいんですけど・・・動画wwwww -- 名無しさん (2013-02-12 22:59:18) #comment()

