

無意味戯言」(2024/01/07 (日) 00:36:15) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana(むいみたわごと)&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15961838) 作詞:[[五字熟語P]] 作曲:[[五字熟語P]] 編曲:[[五字熟語P]] 唄:初音ミクAppend **曲紹介 >&bold(){世界に花束を。} -五字熟語P の39作目。 -安スタジオで録音したような空気感を出したかったのです。全編通して作業中の物音を録ってあったり、ギターやベースのノイズもカットせずにわざと   残してみたり。なんかこういう音、作っていてすごく楽しかったです。こういう手作り感のある作品、どんどん作っていきたいです。(作者コメ転載) **歌詞 Gazed over time, all alone. Cried over a long time, maybe a dream. Na, Let's talk story. It may lie. Yeah, thought over time, the answer was not. Yeah. Would not a really great way? I have suffered so. La...I want to be free. Um...and what with its skillful way. Yeah, give me my freedom from melancholy. I'm afraid of losing you. But you would not care about anything. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. My rise and fall. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'll send flowers for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, together.) I'll send all praise for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, fly.) I'll send flowers for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, together.) I'll send all praise for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, fly.) **コメント - 追加乙っ -- 名無しさん (2011-10-23 21:11:45) #comment()
#right(){&furigana(むいみたわこと)【検索用:&furigana()&space(2)登録タグ:&tags() 】} #region(close,目次) 目次 #contents() #endregion |&nicovideo(sm15961838)| 作詞:[[五字熟語P]] 作曲:[[五字熟語P]] 編曲:[[五字熟語P]] 唄:[[初音ミクAppend>初音ミク]] **曲紹介 >&bold(){世界に花束を。} 曲名:『&u(){無意味戯言}』(&u(){むいみたわごと}) -五字熟語P の39作目。 -安スタジオで録音したような空気感を出したかったのです。全編通して作業中の物音を録ってあったり、ギターやベースのノイズもカットせずにわざと   残してみたり。なんかこういう音、作っていてすごく楽しかったです。こういう手作り感のある作品、どんどん作っていきたいです。(作者コメ転載) **歌詞 Gazed over time, all alone. Cried over a long time, maybe a dream. Na, Let's talk story. It may lie. Yeah, thought over time, the answer was not. Yeah. Would not a really great way? I have suffered so. La...I want to be free. Um...and what with its skillful way. Yeah, give me my freedom from melancholy. I'm afraid of losing you. But you would not care about anything. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. My rise and fall. I'm here. You're here. The World is calm. At that time, at this time, time of the world. I'll send flowers for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, together.) I'll send all praise for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, fly.) I'll send flowers for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, together.) I'll send all praise for the world. (Sing a song, sing a song, fly.) //ここから下の文章は削除しないでください。使用する場合があります。 //楽曲制作者あるいは関係者以外が公開した有名な関連動画、楽曲制作者あるいは関係者による公開であっても大幅なアレンジ/二次創作に分類される関連動画はこちらに置いてください。 //**関連動画 //|&nicovideo(ここにニコニコ動画のURLを貼り付け)|&youtube(ここにYouTubeのURLを貼り付け){342,187}| // **コメント - 追加乙っ -- 名無しさん (2011-10-23 21:11:45) #comment() //※編集できる方。不適切なコメントを排除する場合は、削除するのではなくコメントアウトでお願いします。 #include(曲の追加の仕方/告知)

