What's this?

「What's this?」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

What's this?」(2023/12/11 (月) 23:56:04) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm16759767) 作詞:[[頑なP]] 作曲:[[頑なP]] 編曲:[[頑なP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -頑なPによる英語ルカ曲。今回はハウス。 -邦題は「なんなんすかこれ?」。 -巡音ルカ聖誕祭'12 一番乗り。 **歌詞 What's this? So I ask you... what's this? Let me know... What's this? What's this? I do a secret affair at an office with you once in the weekend "I'll get a divorce from her" I leaned on your words. But you cheated on me. I look back the time in a lot of lies. And I too feel vexed as things come to mind. In a word, you have passed over a dangerous line. Don't make little of me. Can't pull the wool over my eyes.. I keep on smiling. You know that's my last sign. So I never show you my feelings deep inside I set you free from now on. Cause I'm already all in... I wanna order you out of my sight right now My heart is in a cold wall. I don't go steady with you and just like stupid additional time What's this? So I ask you... what's this? Let me know... What's this? What's this? You may choose her after all. Yes, I know. It's well? known story what I worry. You said me to continue this relation with me. But I follow with you ano more. I look back the time in a lot of lies. And I too feel vexed as things come to mind. In a word, you have passed over a dangerous line. Don't make little of me. Can't pull the wool over my eyes.. I keep on smiling. You know that's my last sign. So I never show you my feelings deep inside I set you free from now on. Cause I'm already all in... I wanna order you out of my sight right now My heart is in a cold wall. I don't go steady with you and just like stupid additional time What's this? So I ask you... what's this? Let me know... What's this? What's this? I look back the time in a lot of lies. And I too feel vexed as things come to mind. In a word, you have passed over a dangerous line. Don't make little of me. Can't pull the wool over my eyes.. I keep on smiling. You know that's my last sign. So I never show you my feelings deep inside I set you free from now on. Cause I'm already all in... I wanna order you out of my sight right now My heart is in a cold wall. I don't go steady with you and just like stupid additional time What's this? **コメント #comment()

