Religious War

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Religious War」(2023/12/12 (火) 01:21:35) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo( 作詞:[[頑なP]] 作曲:[[頑なP]] 編曲:[[頑なP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -たまに信者って怖いよねー(*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)ネー(作者コメ転載) -頑なPのブラジリアンステップ。 -戦争がテーマではなかったりします。(マイリストコメントより) -Yuy氏がピアノを演奏している。 **歌詞 //([[引用元のサイト>>引用元のURL]]より転載) If anything what you love is trampled by someone. Then, what do you do? I want you to think about it. I guess one man stands up and counterattacks it. For instance, he doesn't care even if he isn't right. Indiscreet people gather and the riot expands Irrelevant people are involved by them The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that Freedom of religion is promised in my region A kind of subculture is practiced like a cult religion Blind love Sometimes replaces the faith. The difference of the belief causes a wrong process It's hard to understand if we sees from the outside. If anything what you love is denied by your lover Can you accept it all? It's time to decide it I don't want you to become a mindless terrorist. For instance, it hurts you even if you are right. Indiscreet people gather and the riot expands Irrelevant people are involved by them The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that **コメント - 歌詞追加しておきました。ページ作るからにはちゃんと作ってください -- 名無しさん (2012-04-29 23:58:39) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo( 作詞:[[頑なP]] 作曲:[[頑なP]] 編曲:[[頑なP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -たまに信者って怖いよねー(*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)ネー(作者コメ転載) -頑なPのブラジリアンステップ。 -戦争がテーマではなかったりします。(マイリストコメントより) -Yuy氏がピアノを演奏している。 **歌詞 //([[引用元のサイト>>引用元のURL]]より転載) If anything what you love is trampled by someone. Then, what do you do? I want you to think about it. I guess one man stands up and counterattacks it. For instance, he doesn't care even if he isn't right. Indiscreet people gather and the riot expands Irrelevant people are involved by them The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that Freedom of religion is promised in my region A kind of subculture is practiced like a cult religion Blind love Sometimes replaces the faith. The difference of the belief causes a wrong process It's hard to understand if we sees from the outside. If anything what you love is denied by your lover Can you accept it all? It's time to decide it I don't want you to become a mindless terrorist. For instance, it hurts you even if you are right. Indiscreet people gather and the riot expands Irrelevant people are involved by them The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... The merciless attack starts. It's a really unnecessary, miserable religious war It's beyond the range of understanding. Everyone knows. Yes, you also know... What should I do... you do... we do for that **コメント - 歌詞追加しておきました。ページ作るからにはちゃんと作ってください -- 名無しさん (2012-04-29 23:58:39) - 記事できてたんだ。乙-。歌詞は今のニコニコに対する痛烈な風刺かな? -- 名無しさん (2012-09-27 03:55:15) #comment()

