I know...

「I know...」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

I know...」(2023/12/12 (火) 00:39:37) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17986313) 作詞:[[くろずみP]] 作曲:[[くろずみP]] 編曲:[[くろずみP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 >私は知っている、それがいつか死ぬこと >    私は知っている、私がいつか死ぬこと -登録タグにもあるように今回は自身で絵も描いた。 **歌詞 //([[引用元のサイト>>引用元のURL]]より転載) Human is a very foolish living thing the same error is repeated many time I who is the worry only about the loss suffer very much Why? Keep repeating Why? Can not love Why? You fade away Why.. Why.. I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I am a very less foolish living thing the same error is repeated long time I can believe there nobody Differ I'm not a mental patient Why? I have pain Why? Are not allowed Why? Betrayed by Why.. Why.. I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know The fear will not disappear I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime **コメント - 追加乙 -- 名無しさん (2012-06-02 17:51:35) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17986313) 作詞:[[くろずみP]] 作曲:[[くろずみP]] 編曲:[[くろずみP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 >私は知っている、それがいつか死ぬこと >    私は知っている、私がいつか死ぬこと -登録タグにもあるように今回は自身で絵も描いた。 **歌詞 ([[ピアプロ>>http://piapro.jp/t/Okr6]]より転載) Human is a very foolish living thing the same error is repeated many time I who is the worry only about the loss suffer very much Why? Keep repeating Why? Can not love Why? You fade away Why.. Why.. I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I am a very less foolish living thing the same error is repeated longer time I can believe there nobody Differ I'm not a mental patient Why? I have a pain Why? Are not allowed Why? Betrayed by Why.. Why.. I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know It die sometime a past nightmare revives I love legalized drug and trip at moment My call invitation of auditory hallucination I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know The fear will not disappear I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime I know It die sometime I know  I die sometime **コメント - 追加乙 -- 名無しさん (2012-06-02 17:51:35) #comment()

