
アDVAnCEテCHノ」(2023/12/12 (火) 11:06:15) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana(あDVAnCEてCHの)&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(sm18565317)|&YouTube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egVR88r0nh0)| 作詞:[[AVTechNO]] 英訳:/SAKURA 作曲:[[AVTechNO]] 編曲:[[AVTechNO]] 唄:巡音ルカ・初音ミク **曲紹介 -アルバム『[[IVVVI]]』収録曲。 **歌詞 I hope to get out of 'myself'. Everyone hopes to get out of 'now'. I hope to get out of 'space'. The road that we are able to go is to only advance. To be content with your present situation is the proof that you already 'go to the bad'. To pursue the unknown world is the nearly same thing to get a look at your subconsciousness. Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 前右宙視(せかいをみわたす) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 継続継続(いつまでもいつまでも) Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 張巡五感(とぎすましていく) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 私的世界(みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ) 不確かなtheory 相対的vision 噛み合ない考え 否定的な________ We must advance... Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 前右宙視(せかいをみわたす) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 継続継続(いつまでもいつまでも) Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 張巡五感(とぎすましていく) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 私的世界(みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ) **関連動画 |&nicovideo(sm19594234)[[Dog tails]]氏によるリミックス。『[[Your]]』収録。| **コメント - 追加おつ! -- 名無しさん (2012-08-09 15:41:15) - 曲名からP名を引くとDAnCEになるね。 -- 名無しさん (2012-08-10 19:02:09) - P名はAVTechNO(アドバンステクノ) -- 名無しさん (2012-08-11 22:24:08) - 曲名はアDVAnCEテCHノ(アドバンステクノ) -- 名無しさん (2012-08-11 22:25:08) - アVテCHノを引くのか -- 名無しさん (2012-09-09 01:19:23) - (みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ)のところずっと耳コピできないからありがとう! -- 名無しさん (2013-04-29 15:06:42) #comment()
#right(){&furigana(あDVAnCEてCHの)&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(sm18565317)|&YouTube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egVR88r0nh0)| 作詞:[[AVTechNO]] 英訳:/SAKURA 作曲:[[AVTechNO]] 編曲:[[AVTechNO]] 唄:巡音ルカ・初音ミク **曲紹介 -アルバム『[[IVVVI]]』収録曲。 **歌詞 I hope to get out of 'myself'. Everyone hopes to get out of 'now'. I hope to get out of 'space'. The road that we are able to go is to only advance. To be content with your present situation is the proof that you already 'go to the bad'. To pursue the unknown world is the nearly same thing to get a look at your subconsciousness. Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 前右宙視(せかいをみわたす) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 継続継続(いつまでもいつまでも) Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 張巡五感(とぎすましていく) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 私的世界(みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ) 不確かなtheory 相対的vision 噛み合ない考え 否定的な________ We must advance... Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 前右宙視(せかいをみわたす) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 継続継続(いつまでもいつまでも) Although now my skill is inexperienced, I hope to advance more and more. 張巡五感(とぎすましていく) As I will be able to describe my imagination's world... I continue to compose. 私的世界(みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ) **関連動画 |&nicovideo(sm19594234)&br()[[Dog tails]]氏によるリミックス。『[[Your]]』収録。| **コメント - 追加おつ! -- 名無しさん (2012-08-09 15:41:15) - 曲名からP名を引くとDAnCEになるね。 -- 名無しさん (2012-08-10 19:02:09) - P名はAVTechNO(アドバンステクノ) -- 名無しさん (2012-08-11 22:24:08) - 曲名はアDVAnCEテCHノ(アドバンステクノ) -- 名無しさん (2012-08-11 22:25:08) - アVテCHノを引くのか -- 名無しさん (2012-09-09 01:19:23) - (みえるせかいをえがいていくだけさ)のところずっと耳コピできないからありがとう! -- 名無しさん (2013-04-29 15:06:42) #comment()

