Daughter of the Moon

「Daughter of the Moon」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Daughter of the Moon」(2023/12/12 (火) 01:27:20) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18593539) 作詞:[[Eyes>>Eyes/作り手]] 作曲:[[Eyes>>Eyes/作り手]] 編曲:[[Eyes>>Eyes/作り手]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -ややヘビーな歌詞と音のアンビエント曲。 **歌詞 ([[ピアプロ>>http://piapro.jp/t/LZ5n]]より転載) Here I am, walking down again In this path of never-ending pain and pleasure Will somebody notice the stained dress I've been wearing Since they took my hand and shoved me in this Endless, morbid darkness? "When the moon comes out, I kill myself... ...once again." I'm sick and tired, my tears have dried away I'm lying down, too numb from the pain I'm haunted by the memories of My broken, sinful, violated self. Losing my mind as days pass by If I have a choice, will I choose my freedom Will there be a better life for a sinner like me? God, will you ever forgive me or will you forsake me? There's no light Everything's too late No one can save me No one can save me. I'm sick and tired, my tears have dried away I'm lying down, too numb from the pain I'm haunted by the memories of My broken, sinful, violated self. I'm sick and tired, my tears have dried away I'm lying down, too numb from the pain I'm haunted by the memories of My broken, sinful, violated... **コメント #comment()

