Lie > Circus-P


Lie/Circus-P」(2024/03/13 (水) 16:07:18) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(sm16457030)|&youtube({336,189}| |&nicovideo(sm20161748)|&youtube({336,189}| |&nicovideo(sm20230613)|| 作詞:[[Circus-P]] 作曲:[[Circus-P]] 編曲:[[Circus-P]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -Love was dead from the start(作者コメより転載) **歌詞 Why can't it be perfect? This love's not even real Why don't I cry for you? Love was dead from the start I don't want you | I don't need you | I'll forget you It doesn't matter I'll play along | Writing our song | We are perfect I love you No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy The lies you succumb to Blissfully unaware I don't know how you can't See through my facade I don't want you | I don't need you | I'll forget you It doesn't matter I'll play along | Writing our song | We are perfect I love you No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy And maybe one day I'll Get to see your smile In the arms of someone who loves you like I do No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy **コメント - 『|』で区切った部分は動画を参考に書きました。要らなければお手数かけますが修正お願いします -- (2013-01-03 14:46:05) - もっと評価されるべき -- d=(^o^)=b (2013-01-09 23:10:58) - すごく歌声綺麗!!英語の発音が良いし歌詞深い -- あっぽん (2013-02-27 18:25:05) - すごく大好きな曲です(`・ω・´) -- のた (2013-03-01 03:32:17) - 和訳してほしいです(´・ω・`) -- z (2013-03-12 20:26:56) - 歌詞もPVも良かったです! 歌声も綺麗だし発音がすごい! -- 律弥 (2013-08-05 14:36:55) - 和訳は検索すれば出てくる -- 狼好きP (2014-01-19 23:37:14) - カッコいいな。 -- 名無しさん (2014-02-17 16:05:04) - ようつべだと50万いってんだけどなぁ… -- 名無しさん (2014-02-20 20:31:14) - 一発で惚れました!体に染み込んでくるような曲です! -- 一 二三 (2016-05-02 20:20:33) - 色んな曲を聴いたけどやっぱりこの曲に戻ってきてしまいますね。 -- 針鼠 (2017-01-09 00:32:15) - これもめっちゃ良曲。心が荒ぶった時に聴くと落ち着く。静かだけど熱い曲。 -- gon (2017-09-29 00:12:31) - YouTubeだと200万…すごいな -- 名無しさん (2017-10-09 19:02:03) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(sm16457030)|&youtube({336,189}| |&nicovideo(sm20161748)|&youtube({336,189}| |&nicovideo(sm20230613)|| 作詞:[[Circus-P]] 作曲:[[Circus-P]] 編曲:[[Circus-P]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -Love was dead from the start(作者コメより転載) **歌詞 Why can't it be perfect? This love's not even real Why don't I cry for you? Love was dead from the start I don't want you | I don't need you | I'll forget you It doesn't matter I'll play along | Writing our song | We are perfect I love you No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy The lies you succumb to Blissfully unaware I don't know how you can't See through my facade I don't want you | I don't need you | I'll forget you It doesn't matter I'll play along | Writing our song | We are perfect I love you No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy And maybe one day I'll Get to see your smile In the arms of someone who loves you like I do No,this is all wrong Why aren't you gone? I know you're not that strong Don't listen to me We'll always be So perfectly happy **コメント - 『|』で区切った部分は動画を参考に書きました。要らなければお手数かけますが修正お願いします -- (2013-01-03 14:46:05) - もっと評価されるべき -- d=(^o^)=b (2013-01-09 23:10:58) - すごく歌声綺麗!!英語の発音が良いし歌詞深い -- あっぽん (2013-02-27 18:25:05) - すごく大好きな曲です(`・ω・´) -- のた (2013-03-01 03:32:17) - 和訳してほしいです(´・ω・`) -- z (2013-03-12 20:26:56) - 歌詞もPVも良かったです! 歌声も綺麗だし発音がすごい! -- 律弥 (2013-08-05 14:36:55) - 和訳は検索すれば出てくる -- 狼好きP (2014-01-19 23:37:14) - カッコいいな。 -- 名無しさん (2014-02-17 16:05:04) - ようつべだと50万いってんだけどなぁ… -- 名無しさん (2014-02-20 20:31:14) - 一発で惚れました!体に染み込んでくるような曲です! -- 一 二三 (2016-05-02 20:20:33) - 色んな曲を聴いたけどやっぱりこの曲に戻ってきてしまいますね。 -- 針鼠 (2017-01-09 00:32:15) - これもめっちゃ良曲。心が荒ぶった時に聴くと落ち着く。静かだけど熱い曲。 -- gon (2017-09-29 00:12:31) - YouTubeだと200万…すごいな -- 名無しさん (2017-10-09 19:02:03) #comment()

