And I Remember

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And I Remember」(2023/12/12 (火) 09:34:22) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo( 作詞:[[yui]] 作曲:[[yui]] 編曲:[[yui]] 唄:V3 GUMI English **曲紹介 >&bold(){離れ離れになった二人の歌} -yui氏 の3作目。 -Megpoid English 体験版で曲を作りました!(作者コメ転載) -歌詞の和訳については[[こちら>]]から。 **歌詞 Hey my friend, I still remember you It's hard to be not with you How I wish that I could see you soon That's the sort of thing what I want Now I know, you love me just the way I am I should have followed you, however rough the way maybe Ah I wish we could be together now Whatever I say, life will never be the same Ah I wish I could be true to myself Why don't you stand by my side Innocence can hurt one they say, though That's what I like about you How I wish that I could tell you now But it's too late to do anything Now I know, I love you just the way you are There is no telling what will happen in the future day No doubt,regardless of feelings, Memories fade but ,joys and sadness, You gave me that all The rain is falling, but life keeps going No matter how the results turn out Ah I wish we could be together now Whatever I say, life will never be the same Ah I wish I could be true to myself Why don't you stand by my side **コメント - 歌詞の韻の踏み方が上手い。普通に洋楽として流れていても、おかしくない。 -- 竜奇 (2013-02-17 15:51:13) - どなたか投稿してくれませんか? -- バス停 (2014-10-08 21:57:04) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo( 作詞:[[yui]] 作曲:[[yui]] 編曲:[[yui]] 唄:V3 GUMI English **曲紹介 >&bold(){離れ離れになった二人の歌} -yui氏 の3作目。 -Megpoid English 体験版で曲を作りました!(作者コメ転載) -歌詞の和訳については[[こちら>>]]から。 **歌詞 Hey my friend, I still remember you It's hard to be not with you How I wish that I could see you soon That's the sort of thing what I want Now I know, you love me just the way I am I should have followed you, however rough the way maybe Ah I wish we could be together now Whatever I say, life will never be the same Ah I wish I could be true to myself Why don't you stand by my side Innocence can hurt one they say, though That's what I like about you How I wish that I could tell you now But it's too late to do anything Now I know, I love you just the way you are There is no telling what will happen in the future day No doubt,regardless of feelings, Memories fade but ,joys and sadness, You gave me that all The rain is falling, but life keeps going No matter how the results turn out Ah I wish we could be together now Whatever I say, life will never be the same Ah I wish I could be true to myself Why don't you stand by my side **コメント - 歌詞の韻の踏み方が上手い。普通に洋楽として流れていても、おかしくない。 -- 竜奇 (2013-02-17 15:51:13) - どなたか投稿してくれませんか? -- バス停 (2014-10-08 21:57:04) #comment()

