

ornithopter」(2023/12/12 (火) 04:55:13) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21741916) 作詞:[[zalas]] 作曲:[[zalas]] 編曲:[[zalas]] 唄:GUMI English **曲紹介 -王道な道を歩かなくても、それは失敗ではなく、いずれ新しい領域まで辿り着けることをテーマとして、オーニソプターに関してソネット式で歌詞を書いてみました。(作者コメ転載) -タイトルの ornithopter とは 羽ばたき飛行機 のこと。 **歌詞 Ajar to ages past, this door through which I spy Against the skies they cast, absurd attempts to fly Afloat with waxed wings, to test that raptor's realms And they descend, dead kings, left clutching cloven helms And on through endless years, this road on which they tread Amidst the countless fears, along this timeless thread Awash with dogged drive, within Ambrose's lands Adept yet he will strive, with deft yet futile hands On and on and on they fought, as empires fell to soft strides Off the mark they toiled for naught, as chicks flew over tense tides Ornithopter, how you sing, and yet ring not the heavens Only onwards, tottering, towards due destinations Open seas you reach at last, yet do you still remember Odysseys of twinkles past, now everywhere forever **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21741916) 作詞:[[zalas]] 作曲:[[zalas]] 編曲:[[zalas]] 唄:GUMI English **曲紹介 -王道な道を歩かなくても、それは失敗ではなく、いずれ新しい領域まで辿り着けることをテーマとして、オーニソプターに関してソネット式で歌詞を書いてみました。(作者コメ転載) -タイトルの ornithopter とは 羽ばたき飛行機 のこと。 **歌詞 Ajar to ages past, this door through which I spy Against the skies they cast, absurd attempts to fly Afloat with waxed wings, to test that raptor's realms And they descend, dead kings, left clutching cloven helms And on through endless years, this road on which they tread Amidst the countless fears, along this timeless thread Awash with dogged drive, within Ambrose's lands Adept yet he will strive, with deft yet futile hands On and on and on they fought, as empires fell to soft strides Off the mark they toiled for naught, as chicks flew over tense tides Ornithopter, how you sing, and yet ring not the heavens Only onwards, tottering, towards due destinations Open seas you reach at last, yet do you still remember Odysseys of twinkles past, now everywhere forever **コメント - 追加乙! -- 名無しさん (2013-09-29 18:51:05) #comment()

