I KNOW > 雪月

「I KNOW/雪月」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

I KNOW/雪月」(2024/03/20 (水) 12:00:40) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana(IKNOW)【検索用:&furigana()&space(2)登録タグ:&tags() 】} #region(close,目次) 目次 #contents() #endregion |&nicovideo(sm23154391)|&youtube(https://youtu.be/OtvwLLddtXA){342,187}| 作詞:[[雪月]] 作曲:[[雪月]] 編曲:[[雪月]] 唄:[[MEIKO]] V3 ENGLISH,[[KAITO]] V3 ENGLISH **曲紹介 -雪月氏による、MEIKOとKAITOの掛け合いが見事な英語曲 -MEIKOとKAITOの曲には珍しい、クールなエレクトロサウンドに仕上がっている。 **歌詞 (投稿動画内より転載) I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. For example I get most beautiful women, but immediately lost. A bad habit has man is too young. He's adorable. stupid dream singing. I was stare up at the you. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. Immediately love started but finished. No regret, no resentment no nothing. "Do you remember? I just remembered." "Me too." "It was just another." 1 year will already pass since then. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. **コメント - 追加ありがとうございます! -- 名無しさん (2014-06-14 11:40:15) - めっちゃ良いメロディと声!伸びないのが不思議でならない… -- 名無しさん (2015-03-24 10:11:18) - かっこよすぎ問題……!!雪月さんの作る曲はどれもステキです‼MEIKOとKAITOは声の相性が非常に良いですね‼ -- 名無しさん (2016-10-06 18:16:51) #comment()
#right(){&furigana(IKNOW)【検索用:&furigana()&space(2)登録タグ:&tags() 】} #region(close,目次) 目次 #contents() #endregion |&nicovideo(sm23154391)|&youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtvwLLddtXA){342,187}| 作詞:[[雪月]] 作曲:[[雪月]] 編曲:[[雪月]] 唄:[[MEIKO]] V3 ENGLISH・[[KAITO]] V3 ENGLISH **曲紹介 曲名:『&u(){I KNOW}』 -雪月氏による、MEIKOとKAITOの掛け合いが見事な英語曲 -MEIKOとKAITOの曲には珍しい、クールなエレクトロサウンドに仕上がっている。 **歌詞 (投稿動画内より転載) I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. For example I get most beautiful women, but immediately lost. A bad habit has man is too young. He's adorable. stupid dream singing. I was stare up at the you. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. Immediately love started but finished. No regret, no resentment no nothing. "Do you remember? I just remembered." "Me too." "It was just another." 1 year will already pass since then. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. And He does nothing but laugh. I know, I know You're nothing to me now. We said with a snicker and whisper voice. **コメント - 追加ありがとうございます! -- 名無しさん (2014-06-14 11:40:15) - めっちゃ良いメロディと声!伸びないのが不思議でならない… -- 名無しさん (2015-03-24 10:11:18) - かっこよすぎ問題……!!雪月さんの作る曲はどれもステキです‼MEIKOとKAITOは声の相性が非常に良いですね‼ -- 名無しさん (2016-10-06 18:16:51) #comment()

