Synthesized Love

「Synthesized Love」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Synthesized Love」(2023/12/12 (火) 08:57:50) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm22081395) 作詞:[[Circus-P]] 作曲:[[Circus-P]] 編曲:[[Circus-P]] 唄:初音ミクV3(English) コーラス:SONIKA、TONIO **曲紹介 >&b(){♥Synthesized Love♥ヽ(´□`。)ノ} -サムネのイラストは作者のお手製。 **歌詞 ([[Vocaloid Lylics Wiki>>]]より転載) The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead Time without you Spent on strangers and I Feel lost from you The touch can't be compared The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead This emotion can't exist in this world Loving just one Can't feed my desire The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead (Aah...) Synthesized Love Destroying everything The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm22081395) 作詞:[[Circus-P]] 作曲:[[Circus-P]] 編曲:[[Circus-P]] 唄:初音ミクV3(English) コーラス:SONIKA、TONIO **曲紹介 >&b(){♥Synthesized Love♥ヽ(´□`。)ノ} -サムネのイラストは作者のお手製。 **歌詞 ([[Vocaloid Lylics Wiki>>]]より転載) The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead Time without you Spent on strangers and I Feel lost from you The touch can't be compared The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead This emotion can't exist in this world Loving just one Can't feed my desire The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead (Aah...) Synthesized Love Destroying everything The light is fading From this affection we hold All that we're losing Thrown out in the dark and cold The love that we shared Replaced by lust and hatred Can't help but feel like All romance we had is dead **コメント #comment()

