Secret Night

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Secret Night」(2024/01/07 (日) 01:06:55) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm25916091) 作詞:[[ロボ]] 作曲:[[ロボ]] 編曲:[[ロボ]] 唄:初音ミクV3(English) **曲紹介 -ロボ氏の6曲目。 **歌詞 ([[PIAPRO>>]]より転載) I will share one secret with you Will you hear me? I don't know It's a message for tonight This is just for you You know that My heart is pumping, the time is not enough I can't believe it will happen tonight Is with you that i dream and i want to stay tonight I will go, I will wait, Don't be late! Take that train Come again There's a place for us to stay We can love it's just for tonight Will be just tonight Life is strange, but so real There's no time for us to be There's no time for you and me But now... Let's go, let's start Secret Night! Meet You tonight it's my night It's my secret night You can't be late, take that train 'Cause i'm waiting for It's just one night, our night It's a secret night Please come to me, it's my voice That is singing for you Until the sun will rise We will live just one life 'Cause the night is made of us! Come to me Come to me We will start now To live my secret night! **コメント #comment()

