Santa Claus, Where Are You?

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Santa Claus, Where Are You?」(2023/12/12 (火) 09:08:07) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm16489679) 作詞:[[もわもわP]] 作曲:[[もわもわP]] 編曲:[[もわもわP]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -クリスマス中止のお知らせ -今年のクリスマスはアメリカでも中止だそうです。 **歌詞 ([[ピアプロ>>]]より転載) So many years have passed since you came last time, although I still be good. When you were around me, I had no fear at all. Cause you keep devils away from me. Now you've gone, but devils still exist and scare me. The wealthiest 1% devils. Santa Claus, where are you? I need your help to ward off them. Santa Claus, how I miss you! I need your help to protect me. They overlook the world from Wall Street buildings and believe that they are gods. For the mighty, strong and rich, Christmas is just a tool for making money much easier. Oh please come back and revive dreams again for 99% people. Santa Claus, where are you? We need your help to ward off them. Santa Claus, how we miss you! We need your help to protect us. **コメント #comment()

