We Are Right Here

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We Are Right Here」(2023/12/12 (火) 10:44:14) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvDB49Ox-ng){342,187} 作詞:[[itsme(いつみ)]] 作曲:[[souya]] 編曲:[[souya]] 唄:VY1 **曲紹介 - **歌詞 ([[作詞者ブログ>>http://itsmeee.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/11/16/211729]]より転載) 暗い辛いゆらりふらり 暗い暗い泣きたくなるくらい暗いこの世へ 深い深い波の奥へ深入りしてゆく星たち 死を誕生と云った人々 この世をあの世と 体を檻と思い描いた 見初めた箒星 遠き星 認めよその光 違いを 残り少なに尾を引き 人の思う掃(はら)おうという暗さ 黒を洗おう祓おうというのか 狂い奮い清廉に永遠に己を正しいと 暗い慧眼 見通せぬ真実を はらり驕って散らして 常識に取り率(い)られて 溺れ 全ては統べるは真価は同じ 積もる雪の名が 追う血の流れを追い 知識や教えが否応なしに 曇る夕色か 意識や御教えか 明日は昨日 決めるは一思い 有る無し 生き死にも 決めるは人の重い思いとエゴ 得てして悪い 真実を捩じ曲げて 良くも悪い 曇らせる曇らせる程に ほら 生きているよ まだそこに ([[作詞者ブログ>>http://itsmeee.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/12/23/211344]]より転載) Dark Hard Wobble Hobble (Dark) This world is dark, so dark (Dark) So that I want to sob (Profound) But there're stars, (Profound) which are going into such areas: in the recesses of the seas   [People once existed, who believed that death is birth imagined this world as the Underworld, the body as a bird cage]   There's a comet with a fading tail, which was seen for the first time, seems as if it wants to purify the blackness As if it was going mad while assuming that its self was a diamond in the rough How haughty, O empty (There's the cosmic light which was seen for the first time seems as if it wants to clarify the blackness As if its self was going mad and summoning the courage eternally How silly) [O the stars far away from here, reference the difference How sinister of people to hate another clan A dimmed keen eye can't find things out any more, things which are utterly sucked down into the great generality and wallow in it]   Everything is the same Everything has the same worth Falling snow, which is called the knowledge or doctrine, Judge the existence, of even life and death It's a human thing that giving color to the truths is enough to becloud these, letting these be clouded (Whatever is controlling everything? The clouded sunset? The consciousness? The precept? The existence, of life and death It's human's convenience) [Everything is the same Everything has the same worth No matter how far they trace the history back Willy-nilly, tomorrows can be bygones It changes with one push Leaden Mostly it goes sour It could be bad, but it could be good at the same time See,]   We are still alive right here although no one can see or hear **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvDB49Ox-ng){342,187} 作詞:[[itsme(いつみ)]] 作曲:[[souya]] 編曲:[[souya]] 唄:VY1 **曲紹介 - **歌詞 ([[作詞者ブログ>>http://itsmeee.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/11/16/211729]]より転載) 暗い辛いゆらりふらり 暗い暗い泣きたくなるくらい暗いこの世へ 深い深い波の奥へ深入りしてゆく星たち 死を誕生と云った人々 この世をあの世と 体を檻と思い描いた 見初めた箒星 遠き星 認めよその光 違いを 残り少なに尾を引き 人の思う掃(はら)おうという暗さ 黒を洗おう祓おうというのか 狂い奮い清廉に永遠に己を正しいと 暗い慧眼 見通せぬ真実を はらり驕って散らして 常識に取り率(い)られて 溺れ 全ては統べるは真価は同じ 積もる雪の名が 追う血の流れを追い 知識や教えが否応なしに 曇る夕色か 意識や御教えか 明日は昨日 決めるは一思い 有る無し 生き死にも 決めるは人の重い思いとエゴ 得てして悪い 真実を捩じ曲げて 良くも悪い 曇らせる曇らせる程に ほら 生きているよ まだそこに #region(close,英詞) ([[作詞者ブログ>>http://itsmeee.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/12/23/211344]]より転載) Dark Hard Wobble Hobble (Dark) This world is dark, so dark (Dark) So that I want to sob (Profound) But there're stars, (Profound) which are going into such areas: in the recesses of the seas   [People once existed, who believed that death is birth imagined this world as the Underworld, the body as a bird cage]   There's a comet with a fading tail, which was seen for the first time, seems as if it wants to purify the blackness As if it was going mad while assuming that its self was a diamond in the rough How haughty, O empty (There's the cosmic light which was seen for the first time seems as if it wants to clarify the blackness As if its self was going mad and summoning the courage eternally How silly) [O the stars far away from here, reference the difference How sinister of people to hate another clan A dimmed keen eye can't find things out any more, things which are utterly sucked down into the great generality and wallow in it]   Everything is the same Everything has the same worth Falling snow, which is called the knowledge or doctrine, Judge the existence, of even life and death It's a human thing that giving color to the truths is enough to becloud these, letting these be clouded (Whatever is controlling everything? The clouded sunset? The consciousness? The precept? The existence, of life and death It's human's convenience) [Everything is the same Everything has the same worth No matter how far they trace the history back Willy-nilly, tomorrows can be bygones It changes with one push Leaden Mostly it goes sour It could be bad, but it could be good at the same time See,]   We are still alive right here although no one can see or hear #endregion **コメント #comment()

