sync your tempo

「sync your tempo」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

sync your tempo」(2023/12/12 (火) 06:31:56) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(| 作詞:[[temporu]] 作曲:[[temporu]] 編曲:[[temporu]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -temporu氏の10作目。 **歌詞 あいまいな模様に どこかで 懐かしい image 甘い言葉が飛び交う それが本当なのかわからない 君に合わせて歩いてみよう 笑顔になれる そんな tempo に変わって You are merely waiting to walk at the same speed But she cannot run after you Because you are too fast She want to only walk side by side And you forget this time to time... to time... Sync your heart 風にのせて飛ばした memory 願いはもう 届くよね 君に合わせて歌ってみよう 勢いまかせ 僕ら これから 飛びきる Still I think it The same time is wonderful speed But she cannot solve from when either Because it has too soared She wanted to only become like you And you forget this pace to tight... to tight... Sync your beat Want you like this time will reach you I want to tell if transmitted to meet and talk Sync your light this tempo is very tight is you like now Can you also feeling tempo **コメント - ピアノのメロディが綺麗。Temporuさんの中では一番好き -- 名無しさん (2014-01-23 16:19:02) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(| 作詞:[[temporu]] 作曲:[[temporu]] 編曲:[[temporu]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -temporu氏の10作目。 **歌詞 あいまいな模様に どこかで 懐かしい image 甘い言葉が飛び交う それが本当なのかわからない 君に合わせて歩いてみよう 笑顔になれる そんな tempo に変わって You are merely waiting to walk at the same speed But she cannot run after you Because you are too fast She want to only walk side by side And you forget this time to time... to time... Sync your heart 風にのせて飛ばした memory 願いはもう 届くよね 君に合わせて歌ってみよう 勢いまかせ 僕ら これから 飛びきる Still I think it The same time is wonderful speed But she cannot solve from when either Because it has too soared She wanted to only become like you And you forget this pace to tight... to tight... Sync your beat Want you like this time will reach you I want to tell if transmitted to meet and talk Sync your light this tempo is very tight is you like now Can you also feeling tempo **コメント - ピアノのメロディが綺麗。Temporuさんの中では一番好き -- 名無しさん (2014-01-23 16:19:02) - ルカの歌声にぴったりの曲だと思いました -- 名無しさん (2017-12-29 13:33:52) #comment()

