
I/O」(2023/12/12 (火) 10:03:40) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8928343)| 作詞:[[temporu]] 作曲:[[temporu]] 編曲:[[temporu]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -temporu氏の11作目。 -全体的に音圧が凄まじくてかっこいいフロアサウンド。 **歌詞 Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode One fate is to I/O(I/O) Two fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Three fate is to I/O(I/O) Four fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Five fate is to I/O(I/O) Six fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Seven fate is to I/O(I/O) Eight fate is to I/O 下がり始める体温 ニャーと鳴いたライオン 響き渡らす低音 いつかはなるさ快音 決められていた採用 仮定まみれの対応 好きになれたら内容 静かなときを待望 吐息が絡む最期 訪れた機を開放 それでも巡る愛を 崩れかかる願いを Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Nine fate is to I/O(I/O) Ten fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Eleven fate is to I/O(I/O) Twelve fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Thirteenth fate is to I/O(I/O) Fourteenth fate is to I/O **コメント - これは良曲 -- 名無しさん (2009-11-28 16:57:06) - やべえ、聞く程深い。ルカがメインだが、一部でミク、リン、レンも歌ってくれる贅沢な曲 ジャンル的にも大好きです -- 午後の緑茶 (2010-05-28 00:00:03) - この曲は神曲だと思う(迫真 -- きんぴらごぼう (2011-01-09 18:20:40) - すごくいい曲 -- なまえ (2014-12-24 17:17:30) - ニャーの意外性にやられました -- 名無しさん (2016-06-06 18:14:54) - リピートしたい -- 名無しさん (2017-12-29 13:35:39) #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8928343)| 作詞:[[temporu]] 作曲:[[temporu]] 編曲:[[temporu]] 唄:巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -temporu氏の11作目。 -全体的に音圧が凄まじくてかっこいいフロアサウンド。 **歌詞 Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode One fate is to I/O(I/O) Two fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Three fate is to I/O(I/O) Four fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Five fate is to I/O(I/O) Six fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Seven fate is to I/O(I/O) Eight fate is to I/O 下がり始める体温 ニャーと鳴いたライオン 響き渡らす低音 いつかはなるさ快音 決められていた採用 仮定まみれの対応 好きになれたら内容 静かなときを待望 吐息が絡む最期 訪れた機を開放 それでも巡る愛を 崩れかかる願いを Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Nine fate is to I/O(I/O) Ten fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Eleven fate is to I/O(I/O) Twelve fate is to I/O Take a rest if tired Take a rest if tired Please response to riot Please response to riot Light of the diode Light of the diode Thirteenth fate is to I/O(I/O) Fourteenth fate is to I/O **コメント - これは良曲 -- 名無しさん (2009-11-28 16:57:06) - やべえ、聞く程深い。ルカがメインだが、一部でミク、リン、レンも歌ってくれる贅沢な曲 ジャンル的にも大好きです -- 午後の緑茶 (2010-05-28 00:00:03) - この曲は神曲だと思う(迫真 -- きんぴらごぼう (2011-01-09 18:20:40) - すごくいい曲 -- なまえ (2014-12-24 17:17:30) - ニャーの意外性にやられました -- 名無しさん (2016-06-06 18:14:54) - リピートしたい -- 名無しさん (2017-12-29 13:35:39) - 英語も日本語の歌詞も好きです -- 名無しさん (2020-08-09 21:31:42) #comment()

