Flaps the Wings

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Flaps the Wings」(2023/12/24 (日) 00:00:55) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10109750) 作詞:[[shu-tP]] 作曲:[[shu-tP]] 編曲:[[shu-tP]] 唄:巡音ルカ、Sweet Ann、Big-Al(コーラス) **曲紹介 -ルカと Ann が英語で歌う。 **歌詞 ([[作者ブログ>>http://shu-t.sonic-wave.net/article/144262203.html]]より転載) You are alone in the room with the small light. What kind of thing is it that you think now? Do you think about a far-off past? Or do you think about the future? What kind of thing will depend on us after this? We are same as in its being sad and the nice thing. We leave this room and begin to walk. We grasp a hand and begin to walk to the future. The small bird which flaps the wings to sky. Surely the bird flies to the place that you should go ahead through along a flow of the wind. We open a wing like the bird, too and want to fly. Surely the bird may get a very important thing. We can surely get it in the future. I do not understand how many times I cried. You surely cried almost as same as me. Our tears became the dazzling small light. The light soared up into the far-off distance. Then the light turned into a small bird. We continued chasing a small bird with eyes. We thought what there would be over there. You and I must go to the place by all means. The small bird which flaps the wings to sky. Surely the bird flies to the place that you should go ahead through along a flow of the wind. We open a wing like the bird, too and want to fly. Surely the bird may get a very important thing. We can surely get it in the future. (Repeat) **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana(FlapstheWings)【検索用:&furigana()&space(2)登録タグ:&tags() 】} #region(close,目次) 目次 #contents() #endregion |&nicovideo(sm10109750)| 作詞:[[shu-tP]] 作曲:[[shu-tP]] 編曲:[[shu-tP]] イラスト:[[ヤンロン]]・[[椛朗]] 唄:[[巡音ルカ]]・[[Sweet Ann]] コーラス:[[Big-Al]] **曲紹介 曲名:『&u(){Flaps the Wings}』(&u(){ふらっぷす ざ うぃんぐす}) -ルカと Ann が英語で歌う。 **歌詞 ([[作者ブログ>>http://shu-t.sonic-wave.net/article/144262203.html]]より転載) You are alone in the room with the small light. What kind of thing is it that you think now? Do you think about a far-off past? Or do you think about the future? What kind of thing will depend on us after this? We are same as in its being sad and the nice thing. We leave this room and begin to walk. We grasp a hand and begin to walk to the future. The small bird which flaps the wings to sky. Surely the bird flies to the place that you should go ahead through along a flow of the wind. We open a wing like the bird, too and want to fly. Surely the bird may get a very important thing. We can surely get it in the future. I do not understand how many times I cried. You surely cried almost as same as me. Our tears became the dazzling small light. The light soared up into the far-off distance. Then the light turned into a small bird. We continued chasing a small bird with eyes. We thought what there would be over there. You and I must go to the place by all means. The small bird which flaps the wings to sky. Surely the bird flies to the place that you should go ahead through along a flow of the wind. We open a wing like the bird, too and want to fly. Surely the bird may get a very important thing. We can surely get it in the future. (Repeat) //ここから下の文章は削除しないでください。使用する場合があります。 //楽曲制作者あるいは関係者以外が公開した有名な関連動画、楽曲制作者あるいは関係者による公開であっても大幅なアレンジ/二次創作に分類される関連動画はこちらに置いてください。 //**関連動画 //|&nicovideo(ここにニコニコ動画のURLを貼り付け)|&youtube(ここにYouTubeのURLを貼り付け){342,187}| // **コメント #comment() //※編集できる方。不適切なコメントを排除する場合は、削除するのではなくコメントアウトでお願いします。 #include(曲の追加の仕方/告知)

