in be dance

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in be dance」(2023/12/11 (月) 20:59:31) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(| 作詞:[[temporu]] 作曲:[[temporu]] 編曲:[[temporu]] 唄:鏡音リン・巡音ルカ **曲紹介 -temporu氏の14作目。 -聴く者を圧倒する強烈な音圧と間奏のフリーダムさは圧巻。 **歌詞 in be dance うっすらまぶたを開けたら in be dance まぶしい光差し込む in be dance それから話は始まる in be dance touch and rush could you dance with me now (in be dance×4) will be the picture to picture is cheaper but no more set a picture price anymore all is in me don't stop the music in me still dancing inside always fruity groove hey come along what's going on a serious come in early in every particular not understand cause take me who's love as she started to dance in dreamer (in be dance) mistake it, shameful in be dance cause take me dance love in here such a silence in river (in be dance×2) in be dance was a big mistake in be dance what a big misread in be dance you may be notice by me in be dance you make me not this cry me in be dance was a big mistake in be dance what a big misread in be dance was a big mistake in be dance so you said (in be dance×10) in be dance **コメント #comment()

