

Reflying」(2023/12/11 (月) 21:02:27) の最新版変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo( 作詞:[[ゴゼンP]] 作曲:[[ゴゼンP]] 編曲:[[ゴゼンP]] 唄:MEIKO **曲紹介 -[[MEIKOの日(5月5日)>>]]に投稿された、ゴゼンPの英語MEIKO曲。 -コーラスにはルカも使用。 **歌詞 //([[引用元のページ名>>引用元のURL]]より転載) Do you remember You had the wings and you were never bound by anything The wings were fluttered You were flying like a bird in the sky just as you wanted to Whatever hardship you may found never gave it up You gave hope to a lot of people Da Da Da Da Du Da Du Da Du I thought you had the unlimited potential Don't you remember You had the wings and you were never bound by anything Still, why did you stop You might have taken wrong way somewhere without our noticing it But it must be not too late yet The wings aren't broken Perhaps you just had to take time Da Da Da Da Du Da Du Da Du Now it's time for you to fly to the sky again **コメント #comment()

