Southern Cross

【検索用:SouthernCross  登録タグ:2011年 S VOCALOID agrooveP reira 巡音ルカ 曲英
+ 目次


曲名:『Southern Cross』(さざん くろす)



Shooting star shines brilliantly in the sky in the south.
Please kiss me at any time. Only it's all of me.

The voice to calling me concealed me under this wave.
I restrain your uneasy feelings Only it's all.

The especially time that had been spent with you gave me a wonderful dream.
Forever and ever.
It's one of the so sweet memories of me.

Scenery is memorized that the evening sun was very beautiful.
By the way,You gave the word for which I really hoped. The word is...
"I love you"

I thought that the thump of one's heart stopped.
The sound of the waves seemed to bless your and my fate and to exist.
Please melt love so that it is not hatched in empty red.

It is wrapped in the fantasy.

The light of the twinkling star is collected.
The collected light is reflected to your eyes.
Don't disappear with a dream like a bubble illusion.

Because I want to see endless dream.

Now let's swear it to the sound of the waves.
Forever and ever...
The forgive of all of the sins.

I love you
Even if people all over the world turn on me,I love you.
Till death do us part.

Now let's swear it to the twinkling star.
The temperature is transmitted to the lip piled up.

I love you…
Even if only you and I exist in the world,I love you.
Lives can happiness.

Shooting star shines brilliantly in the sky in the south.
Please kiss me at anytime Only it's all of me.

Might you have seen another world if I did not know you, and it did not meet you?
Please don't inform me of the answer of the question indefinitely.

The season that you and I spent is recalled with the sound of the waves.The desire of two people melts at the same time.
The star twinkles only the number of memories.

Time flies like an arrow.
There is no correctness anywhere.

The number of lies piled up is wrapped.

Now let's swear it to the sound of the waves.
Forever and ever…

In the place where the shower tree blooms.
I meet you…

Even if the fate of transient world dream of us,I believe you.
Please connect with me.

Now let's swear it to the twinkling star.
Forever and ever…

Forgive you and all punishment.
Believe you.

Even if only you and I exist in the world,Believe you.
Thought is the blossom.

Southern Cross shines brilliantly in the sky in the south.
Please kiss me at anytime Only it's all of me.

The voice to calling me concealed me under this wave.
I restrain your uneasy feelings Only it's all.


  • 追加してみました。修正お願いします。 -- 名無しさん (2011-10-19 00:50:47)
  • 綺麗な歌ね……歌詞の追加ありがとうです! -- 桜音ハル (2013-08-15 20:00:47)

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  • 特定の個人・団体の宣伝または批判
  • (曲紹介ページにおいて)歌詞の独自解釈を展開するコメント、いわゆる“解釈コメ”
  • 長すぎるコメント
  • 『歌ってみた』系動画や、歌い手に関する話題
  • 「カラオケで歌えた」「学校で流れた」などの曲に直接関係しない、本来日記に書くようなコメント
  • カラオケ化、カラオケ配信等の話題
  • 同一人物によると判断される連続・大量コメント
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • S
  • agrooveP
  • reira
  • 巡音ルカ
  • 2011年
  • 曲英

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