Synthesized Love

【登録タグ:2013年 Circus-P S 初音ミク



♥Synthesized Love♥ヽ(´□`。)ノ
  • サムネのイラストは作者のお手製。


Vocaloid Lylics Wikiより転載)

The light is fading
From this affection we hold
All that we're losing
Thrown out in the dark and cold
The love that we shared
Replaced by lust and hatred
Can't help but feel like
All romance we had is dead

Time without you
Spent on strangers and I
Feel lost from you
The touch can't be compared

The light is fading
From this affection we hold
All that we're losing
Thrown out in the dark and cold
The love that we shared
Replaced by lust and hatred
Can't help but feel like
All romance we had is dead

This emotion
can't exist in this world
Loving just one
Can't feed my desire

The light is fading
From this affection we hold
All that we're losing
Thrown out in the dark and cold
The love that we shared
Replaced by lust and hatred
Can't help but feel like
All romance we had is dead


Synthesized Love
Destroying everything

The light is fading
From this affection we hold
All that we're losing
Thrown out in the dark and cold
The love that we shared
Replaced by lust and hatred
Can't help but feel like
All romance we had is dead


+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • S
  • Circus-P
  • 初音ミク
  • 2013年

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最終更新:2023年12月12日 08:57