
他人様のHPデーター補完計画」(2008/03/25 (火) 21:35:14) の最新版変更点



# Server config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 戦利品を自動取得する... True で有効, False で無効 # AutoLoot enable... True to enable, False to disable AutoLoot = False # ハーブの取得方法 (ドロップ False)(自動取得 True) # If False herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled AutoLootHerbs = False # 自動でスキルを覚える... True で有効, False で無効 # AutoLearnSkills... True to enable, False to disable AutoLearnSkills = True # XPの損失 (レベルが下がる) は有効である, デフォルトは 'true' # If XP loss (and deleveling) is enabled, default is 'true' Delevel = True # 魔法が失敗することがあるかどうか, デフォルトは 'true' # If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'true' MagicFailures = True # 攻撃された時にキャンセルが発生する種類 (弓 bow, 詠唱 cast, 全て all) # Alternative cancel of attack (bow, cast, all) AltGameCancelByHit = all # Alternative rules for shields - if they block, the damage is powerAtk-shieldDef, # otherwice it's powerAttak / (shieldDef + powerDef) AltShieldBlocks = False # Alternative AltGameMobAttackAI, like C1 AltGameMobAttackAI = False # Alternative Freight mode. If true, freights can be withdrawed from any place. # Also, possibility to change Freight price (in adena) for each item slot in freight. # 貨物の設定。 もし true にした場合どの場所からでも預け受けができるようになる。 # また、貨物の手数料を変更することもできる。 # NOTE: AltGameFreightPrice WILL NOT change the value shown to the player, but the # player will actually get charged for the value set in here. AltGameFreights = true AltGameFreightPrice = 1000 # Mobのレベル差による Xp/Sp の報酬, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # 例として "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3."の場合 # diff = 0 (プレイヤーとMobのレベルが同じ), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # diff = 3 (Mobのレベルが3高い), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # diff = 5 (Mobのレベルが5高い), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # diff = -8 (Mobのレベルが8低い), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 # Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3." # diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 AltGameExponentXp = 5 AltGameExponentSp = 3 # Use tiredness (instead of combat points) AltGameTiredness = False #------------------------------------------------------------- # カルマのプレイヤーに対する設定 # Alternative settings against player with karma #------------------------------------------------------------- #プレイヤーはピースゾーンにて殺害できるか AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False #プレイヤーはショップを利用できるか AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True # プレイヤーは帰還スクロールまたはリターンスキルを使用できるか # Can the player use Scroll of Escape or Return skill? AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True # プレイヤーはGK・トレード・倉庫を使用できるか # Can the player use gatekeepers (GK)? AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True # 世界を自由にテレポートできるか # Allow free teleportation around the world. AltFreeTeleporting = False #Set true for disallow recommend character twice or more a day AltRecommend = False #------------------------------------------------------------- # 製作の設定 # Crafting config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 製作の有効/無効 # Crafting enabled/disabled. On by default CraftingEnabled = True #レシピの上限 (defal: 50 - for dwarf , 50 - for common) #Limits for recipes (defal: 50 - for dwarf , 50 - for common) DwarfRecipeLimit = 50 CommonRecipeLimit = 50 # 製作のルール:(デフォルトはFalse) # - 製作には時間を掛ける # - プレイヤーは製作の度に EXP/SP を得る # Alternative crafting rules: # - crafting takes time # - players get EXP/SP for crafting AltGameCreation = False # 製作の倍率 - より大きい数 ===>より 遅い製作 しかしより多くの XP/SP を得る # time multiplier - bigger number ===> slower crafting but more XP/SP AltGameCreationSpeed = 1 # 付加的な XP/SP レートの倍率 デフォルト = 1 # Additional XP/SP rate multiplier (for increased XP/SP) default = 1 AltGameCreationRateXp = 1 AltGameCreationRateSp = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------- # スキルの設定 # Skills config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 転職する際にクエストを必要とするか # デフォルト = False # Allow use Event Managers for change occupation # If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False # Default = False AllowClassMasters = True # スペルブックを必要とするか # Spell Book needed to learn skills SpBookNeeded = True # スキルを覚えるルール: # - 全てのクラスのスキルを覚えられるか # - 他のクラスのコスト x2 SP # - 他の種族のコスト x2 SP # - ファイター/メイジのコスト x3 SP # Alternative skill learn rules: # - all classes can learn all skills # - skills of another class costs x2 SP # - skills of another race costs x2 SP # - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP AltGameSkillLearn = False # サブクラスを追加する際にクエストを不必要とするか # Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items. AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True # Alternative success rate formulas for skills such Sleep/Root/Stun/Dagger ones, # 'none' or 'false' for standard, 'alt' - for alternative AltGameSkillFormulas = none # Skill Hit Time multiplier AltGameSkillHitRate = 1. #------------------------------------------------------------- # バッフの設定 # Buffs config #------------------------------------------------------------- # バッフの最大数 (デフォルト = 24 in C5) # Maximum number of buffs (default = 24 in C5) maxbuffamount = 24 #------------------------------------------------------------- # 祭典の設定 # Festival config # // Moved to sevensigns.properties #------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------- # 血盟の設定 # Clans config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 待たなければならない日数 (7=7日): # - 他のクランに入る # Number of days you have to wait before : # - joining another clan DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1 # - 新しいクランを作る # - creating a new clan DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 1 # クランを解散する # Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 1 # 同盟を抜ける # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 1 # 同盟から追放する # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 1 # Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 1 # Number of days before creating a new alliance when dissolved an alliance DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 1 # 同盟のクランの最大数 # Maximum number of clans in ally AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 10 # 戦争をする際の必要なメンバー数 # Number of members needed to request a clan war AltClanMembersForWar = 10 # 初心者の特典は一つのアカウントでファーストキャラだけである(初心者バッフを受ける際にサブキャラでも受けられるかどうかに影響する) # All new characters of the same account are newbies, not only first one AltNewCharAlwaysIsNewbie = True # 一般メンバーはクラン倉庫からアイテムを受け取ることができる # Privilege browse warehouse enables at the same time also withdraw from warehouse! AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH = True #------------------------------------------------------------- # オリンピアードの設定 # Olympiad config #------------------------------------------------------------- # オリンピアードの開始時間 午後8時 (20) # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 8pm (20) AltOlyStartTime = 20 # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour. AltOlyMin = 00 # 期間, デフォルト3時間50分 # Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 3 hours 50 minutes. # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins) AltOlyCPeriod = 13800000 # 戦闘時間, デフォルト3分. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 3 minutes. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) AltOlyBattle = 180000 # 待機時間, デフォルト10分 # Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes AltOlyBWait = 600000 # 開始待機時間, デフォルト5分 # Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes AltOlyIWait = 300000 # 週間期間, デフォルト1週間 # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000 #------------------------------------------------------------- # 宝くじの設定 # Lottery config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 最初の賞金 # Initial Lottery prize AltLotteryPrize = 50000 # 宝くじの値段 # Lottery Ticket Price AltLotteryTicketPrice = 2000 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 5 wining numbers AltLottery5NumberRate = 0.6 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 4 wining numbers AltLottery4NumberRate = 0.2 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 3 wining numbers AltLottery3NumberRate = 0.2 # How much adena receive characters who pick two or less of the winning number AltLottery2and1NumberPrize = 200 #------------------------------------------------------------- # デバッグ & 開発者向けの設定 # Debug & Dev config #------------------------------------------------------------- # クエストをロードしない # Don't load quests AltDevNoQuests = False # spawntableをロードしない # Don't load spawntable AltDevNoSpawns = False
↓いつの間にか変わった名前↓ options.properties     ↓ General.properties altsettings.properties other.properties     ↓ Character.properties # Server config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 戦利品を自動取得する... True で有効, False で無効 # AutoLoot enable... True to enable, False to disable AutoLoot = False # ハーブの取得方法 (ドロップ False)(自動取得 True) # If False herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled AutoLootHerbs = False # 自動でスキルを覚える... True で有効, False で無効 # AutoLearnSkills... True to enable, False to disable AutoLearnSkills = True # XPの損失 (レベルが下がる) は有効である, デフォルトは 'true' # If XP loss (and deleveling) is enabled, default is 'true' Delevel = True # 魔法が失敗することがあるかどうか, デフォルトは 'true' # If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'true' MagicFailures = True # 攻撃された時にキャンセルが発生する種類 (弓 bow, 詠唱 cast, 全て all) # Alternative cancel of attack (bow, cast, all) AltGameCancelByHit = all # Alternative rules for shields - if they block, the damage is powerAtk-shieldDef, # otherwice it's powerAttak / (shieldDef + powerDef) AltShieldBlocks = False # Alternative AltGameMobAttackAI, like C1 AltGameMobAttackAI = False # Alternative Freight mode. If true, freights can be withdrawed from any place. # Also, possibility to change Freight price (in adena) for each item slot in freight. # 貨物の設定。 もし true にした場合どの場所からでも預け受けができるようになる。 # また、貨物の手数料を変更することもできる。 # NOTE: AltGameFreightPrice WILL NOT change the value shown to the player, but the # player will actually get charged for the value set in here. AltGameFreights = true AltGameFreightPrice = 1000 # Mobのレベル差による Xp/Sp の報酬, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # 例として "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3."の場合 # diff = 0 (プレイヤーとMobのレベルが同じ), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # diff = 3 (Mobのレベルが3高い), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # diff = 5 (Mobのレベルが5高い), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # diff = -8 (Mobのレベルが8低い), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 # Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3." # diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 AltGameExponentXp = 5 AltGameExponentSp = 3 # Use tiredness (instead of combat points) AltGameTiredness = False #------------------------------------------------------------- # カルマのプレイヤーに対する設定 # Alternative settings against player with karma #------------------------------------------------------------- #プレイヤーはピースゾーンにて殺害できるか AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False #プレイヤーはショップを利用できるか AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True # プレイヤーは帰還スクロールまたはリターンスキルを使用できるか # Can the player use Scroll of Escape or Return skill? AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True # プレイヤーはGK・トレード・倉庫を使用できるか # Can the player use gatekeepers (GK)? AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True # 世界を自由にテレポートできるか # Allow free teleportation around the world. AltFreeTeleporting = False #Set true for disallow recommend character twice or more a day AltRecommend = False #------------------------------------------------------------- # 製作の設定 # Crafting config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 製作の有効/無効 # Crafting enabled/disabled. On by default CraftingEnabled = True #レシピの上限 (defal: 50 - for dwarf , 50 - for common) #Limits for recipes (defal: 50 - for dwarf , 50 - for common) DwarfRecipeLimit = 50 CommonRecipeLimit = 50 # 製作のルール:(デフォルトはFalse) # - 製作には時間を掛ける # - プレイヤーは製作の度に EXP/SP を得る # Alternative crafting rules: # - crafting takes time # - players get EXP/SP for crafting AltGameCreation = False # 製作の倍率 - より大きい数 ===>より 遅い製作 しかしより多くの XP/SP を得る # time multiplier - bigger number ===> slower crafting but more XP/SP AltGameCreationSpeed = 1 # 付加的な XP/SP レートの倍率 デフォルト = 1 # Additional XP/SP rate multiplier (for increased XP/SP) default = 1 AltGameCreationRateXp = 1 AltGameCreationRateSp = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------- # スキルの設定 # Skills config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 転職する際にクエストを必要とするか # デフォルト = False # Allow use Event Managers for change occupation # If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False # Default = False AllowClassMasters = True # スペルブックを必要とするか # Spell Book needed to learn skills SpBookNeeded = True # スキルを覚えるルール: # - 全てのクラスのスキルを覚えられるか # - 他のクラスのコスト x2 SP # - 他の種族のコスト x2 SP # - ファイター/メイジのコスト x3 SP # Alternative skill learn rules: # - all classes can learn all skills # - skills of another class costs x2 SP # - skills of another race costs x2 SP # - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP AltGameSkillLearn = False # サブクラスを追加する際にクエストを不必要とするか # Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items. AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True # Alternative success rate formulas for skills such Sleep/Root/Stun/Dagger ones, # 'none' or 'false' for standard, 'alt' - for alternative AltGameSkillFormulas = none # Skill Hit Time multiplier AltGameSkillHitRate = 1. #------------------------------------------------------------- # バッフの設定 # Buffs config #------------------------------------------------------------- # バッフの最大数 (デフォルト = 24 in C5) # Maximum number of buffs (default = 24 in C5) maxbuffamount = 24 #------------------------------------------------------------- # 祭典の設定 # Festival config # // Moved to sevensigns.properties #------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------- # 血盟の設定 # Clans config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 待たなければならない日数 (7=7日): # - 他のクランに入る # Number of days you have to wait before : # - joining another clan DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1 # - 新しいクランを作る # - creating a new clan DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 1 # クランを解散する # Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 1 # 同盟を抜ける # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 1 # 同盟から追放する # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 1 # Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 1 # Number of days before creating a new alliance when dissolved an alliance DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 1 # 同盟のクランの最大数 # Maximum number of clans in ally AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 10 # 戦争をする際の必要なメンバー数 # Number of members needed to request a clan war AltClanMembersForWar = 10 # 初心者の特典は一つのアカウントでファーストキャラだけである(初心者バッフを受ける際にサブキャラでも受けられるかどうかに影響する) # All new characters of the same account are newbies, not only first one AltNewCharAlwaysIsNewbie = True # 一般メンバーはクラン倉庫からアイテムを受け取ることができる # Privilege browse warehouse enables at the same time also withdraw from warehouse! AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH = True #------------------------------------------------------------- # オリンピアードの設定 # Olympiad config #------------------------------------------------------------- # オリンピアードの開始時間 午後8時 (20) # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 8pm (20) AltOlyStartTime = 20 # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour. AltOlyMin = 00 # 期間, デフォルト3時間50分 # Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 3 hours 50 minutes. # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins) AltOlyCPeriod = 13800000 # 戦闘時間, デフォルト3分. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 3 minutes. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) AltOlyBattle = 180000 # 待機時間, デフォルト10分 # Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes AltOlyBWait = 600000 # 開始待機時間, デフォルト5分 # Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes AltOlyIWait = 300000 # 週間期間, デフォルト1週間 # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000 #------------------------------------------------------------- # 宝くじの設定 # Lottery config #------------------------------------------------------------- # 最初の賞金 # Initial Lottery prize AltLotteryPrize = 50000 # 宝くじの値段 # Lottery Ticket Price AltLotteryTicketPrice = 2000 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 5 wining numbers AltLottery5NumberRate = 0.6 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 4 wining numbers AltLottery4NumberRate = 0.2 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 3 wining numbers AltLottery3NumberRate = 0.2 # How much adena receive characters who pick two or less of the winning number AltLottery2and1NumberPrize = 200 #------------------------------------------------------------- # デバッグ & 開発者向けの設定 # Debug & Dev config #------------------------------------------------------------- # クエストをロードしない # Don't load quests AltDevNoQuests = False # spawntableをロードしない # Don't load spawntable AltDevNoSpawns = False

