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名前 レベル 備考
tofu MP10ほど。HP低め。攻撃力中
gobball 3~15 隣接攻撃のみ。HP・攻撃力高め
white gobball 1~ AP下げる攻撃(射程2)
black gobball 1~ MP下げる攻撃(射程2)

monster Act lv 出現地
Blue Larva - 1~2 Amakna
White Gobball - 1~2 Tainela, Amakna
Moskito - 1~2 Tainela, Amakna
Black Gobball - 1~3 Tainela, Amakna
Arachnee - 1~7 Amakna, Treechnid's Forest
Evil Tofu 2~2 Amakna(11, 16あたり)
Tofu - 2~6 Tainela, Amakna
Evil Dandelion - 2~9 Amakna, Cania Plains(Bonta周辺
Demonic Rose - 3~4 Amakna, Cania Plains(Bonta周辺
Earth Flying Spark - 3~5 Amakna
Crab - 3~6 Amakna(Asse's Coast)
Gobball - 3~15 Tainela, Amakna
Mush Mush - 4~7 Amakna, Cania Plains(Bonta周辺
Black Tofu - 5~5 Tainela(-10, -3)
Green Larva ? 5~8 Amakna
Kolerat - 5~13 Sidimote Moor
Dark Baker - 5~17 Amakna(11, 16あたり), Sidimote Moor(Brakmar Frontage)
Plissken - 6~14 Cania Plains
Wild Sunflower - 7~15 Amakna, Cania Plains(Bonta周辺
Robber of the Rogues Clan 8~8 Amakna(11, 16あたり)
Orange Larva - 8~11 Amakna
Gobelin 10~14 Sidimote Moor(Gisgoul, the Devastated Village)
Boar - 10~15 Amakna
Prespic - 12~12 Amakna
Karne Riders - 12~20 Amakna, Sidimote Moor(Gisgoul, the Devastated Village)
Vampire 12~21 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured), Amakna(9, 15あたりの墓
Mint Jelly - Amakna(6, 30あたり
Pippin Biblop - 14~14 Cania Plains
Crow - 14~29 Cania Plains, Sidimote Moor
Morello Cherry Biblop - 14~32 Cania Plains
Gobball War Chief - 15~15 Amakna
Dragoturkey - 15~15 Amakna(0, -4)(1, 24), Cania Plains
Mushd - 15~15 Amakna(12, 8あたり
Whitish Lupis - 15~23 Sidimote Moor
Magus Bwork ○? 15~35 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Coco Biblop - 16~16 Cania Plains
Indigo Biblop - 16~36 Cania Plains
Vampire Master 17~26 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured), Amakna(9, 15あたりの墓
Miliboo Wolf - 18~18 Amakna(4, 14あたり
Bwork Archer ○? 18~31 Sidimote Moor
Treechnid - 18~45 Amakna, Treechnid's Forest
Invisible Chafer 19~27 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Dark Miner - 19~31 Amakna(11, 16あたり), Sidimote Moor(Brakmar Frontage)
Crackler ○? Amakna(-3, -2あたり)
Fire Kwak - 21~30 Amakna(-5, -8あたり)
Wind Kwak - 21~30 Amakna(-5, -8あたり)
Furious Whitish Lupis 23~23 Sidimote Moor(-23, 29等
Strawberry Jelly - 24~26 Amakna(6, 30あたり
Earth Kwak - 24~30 Amakna(-5, -8あたり)
Wild Dragoturkey - 25~25 Amakna(0, -4)(1, 24), Cania Plains
Blue Scaraleaf - 28~30 Amakna
Red Scaraleaf - 28~34 Amakna
White Scaraleaf - 28~34 Amakna
Indigo Blop - 30~38 Cania Plains
Chafer Archer 30~38 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Scurvion - 30~42 Sidimote Moor
Green Scaraleaf - 32~32 Amakna
Coco Blop - 34~38 Cania Plains
Bwork ○? 36~43 Sidimote Moor
Morello Cherry Blop - 38~38 Cania Plains
Pippin Blop - 38~38 Cania Plains
Dark Smith - 38~48 Amakna(11, 16あたり), Sidimote Moor(Brakmar Frontage)
Major Arachnee - 39~41 Treechnid's Forest
Plain Crackler - 39~48 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Trunknid - 40~40 Treechnid's Forest
Chafer Lancer 40~48 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Markschafer 41~47 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Fngi Master - 42~42 Cania Plains(Bonta周辺
Ouginak - 45~57 Sidimote Moor(Path of Brakmar)
Cracked Black Dreggon 56~56 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Kanigrou - 60~80 Cania Plains
Black Dreggon 62~68 The Dragegges' Peninsula
White Dreggon 64~64 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Brave Ghost 65~73 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Golden Dreggon 68~68 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Sapphire Dreggon 68~68 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Sharp Sapphire Dreggon 68~78 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Sharp Black Dreggon 70~74 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Sharp White Draggon 70~76 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Sharp Golden Dreggon 72~78 The Dragegges' Peninsula
Arepo Ghost 73~73 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Burning Ghost 73~73 Sidimote Moor(Cemetary of the Tortured)
Dark Treechnid - 75~84 Treechnid's Forest
Ancestral Treechnid 100 Amakna(3, 20)
Royal Tofu - 100 Amakna(9, 7)
Minotoror 125 Amakna(10, 4), Cania Plains(-30, -37)
Moo Wolf 198 Treechnid's Forest(-11, -16
Soft Oak 200 Treechnid's Forest(-9, -14




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