
とうめいなみらいず【登録タグ:2010年 はやくP 巡音ルカ



  • はやくPの14作目。
  • 英語ルカのエレクトロニカ。
  • 冬らしい音で表現した、疾走感のある一曲。
  • ぼからん#226」のEDに採用。


Despair and hope, which do you see?
Are there what you want to be?
Desire and ambition are shaky cruel idiot
Are you afraid of these a lot of drugs and lazy life?
But you don't need that looking aside
Make your way

This sparkle noise, can you hear?
It's like a white snow or rain
The world is full of these noise and
you can see or listen
It's free to what you see and look on these
as noise or song
So, you can choose hope or despair
It's decided by you

What you hope is only one
So, it's so. You can choose it
What color is this?
Don't you understand such a thing?
I don't know what color is this
Oh, don't get angry so much
Don't you understand really?
I will say again

What you hope is only one
So, it's so. You can choose it
What color is this?
Don't you understand such a thing?
You will make it and choose

Despair and hope, which do you see?
Are there what you want to be?
The world is full of these noise and
you can see or listen
It's free to what you see and look on these
as noise or song
So, you can choose hope or despair
It's decided by you


  • 神曲!! -- さくら (2011-12-01 01:55:07)
  • これすき -- 名無しさん (2019-05-12 13:08:38)
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • はやくP
  • 巡音ルカ
  • 2010年

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