Frigid Hearts

【登録タグ:2013年 AVANNA Circus-P F



  • A dance song with a sort-of deep meaning. I apologize for it's cheezy lyrics (*´ェ`*)
  • 作者初のAVANNAオリジナル曲。


Vocaloid Wikiより転載)

The stories said this would end perfectly
A thought of love for you, holding on to see
If we could mend this war of you and me
The whole world stops for this coming tragedy

There was a time thought I needed you
but all your lies woke me and helped me come to
our voice echo throughout the distance
I am broken and the blood is on your hands

Frigid hearts are shattering
The fragile love is beaten down
Closed wounds are opening
Tonight I'm getting over you
You took me, You took me

In a dream, In a dream
I can't see, I can't see clearly
You woke me, You woke me
from a dream, from a dream
I can see, I can see this end clearly

You took me, You took me
In a dream, In a dream
I can't see, I can't see clearly
You woke me, You woke me
from a dream, from a dream

I can see, I can see the end clearly
You took me, You took me
In a dream, In a dream
I can't see, I can't see clearly
You woke me, You woke me
from a dream, from a dream

I can see, I can see this end clearly


+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • F
  • Circus-P
  • 2013年

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